Crystal Cities Under Antarctica

1 year ago

Did you know that there are *allegedly* crystal cities below & on the continent of Antartica? Many theories have been presented saying that Antartica is a portal to inner earth & that there is an ice wall that the military won’t allow any aircraft to pass over. Admiral Byrd wrote about his experiences traveling to Antartica and finding cities that were previously thought to not exists. He spoke of Interdimensional beings & crystal cities but was allegedly told by the gov. To never speak of this. There was also allegedly a German expedition to Antarctica previously that suggests similar sightings.
The Book of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew text believed to have been written by Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah (of Noah’s Ark fame).There are five sections to it but the first and last tell the story of the Fallen Angels (The Book of Watchers and The Epistle of Enoch).As I understand it 200 of the Angels came to Earth at Mount Hermon and desired human females. They mated with the women and this resulted in the birth of a race of giants called Nephilim.
The Angels taught humans many things, weapons, metallurgy, astronomy but their children, the Nephilim started to run amok killing and abusing humans. YAHUAH imprisoned them in Antarctica 🇦🇶.

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