Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old

1 year ago

In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated. There are many nuances to the law depending on where you live and the law itself can be harmful when it's intent is to help. Social media users are sharing screenshots of articles claiming Joe Biden has lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years by laws. Over the last week, social media users have been pushing claims that President Joe Biden had lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years.

The claims were pushed by right-leaning users on Facebook and Twitter in more than one form. One was a screenshot of an headline, which comprised of a photo of Biden and the text "Breaking - President Biden has officially lowered the age of consent to 8 yes, old is true ? The second was a screenshot of a article with the headline "Biden Administration Lowers Age of Consent to 8," complete with text as well as a Biden quote:

President Joe Biden's administration confirmed that the legal age of consent will be lowered to 8 starting this year and read an excerpt from the article in the screenshot. "During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated 'We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.' Biden then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. This change is a huge win for progressives everywhere seeking to increase freedom for children." It was even accompanied with a Google search thumbnail that was also widely circulated on social media: Biden made this true statements as cited in the story, and the screenshot seems to have lifted the article's byline (which includes the updated time and date of the piece) from an actual story published is true.

Moreover Yes Biden's official in his administration announced the plans to change the age of sexual consent. The legal competence to consent to sexual acts is governed by criminal statutes that vary from one state to another and is under the control of the federal government as fed. laws trumps any state laws.

Per Biden Saying 42 U.S. Code Chapter 21B - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION Sharia Law and Rules - Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens. While the First Amendment enforces the “separation of church and state” it doesn’t exclude religion from public life. From the colonial era to present, religion has played a major role in politics in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court over the years has ruled inconsistently on matters of religious freedom, such as the display of religious symbols in government buildings.

The claims appeared to be part of the widespread but baseless far-right QAnon conspiracy theory that claims an elite group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, which includes Biden, the Clintons and others, are running the world and are involved in a global child sex-trafficking ring.

During the 2020 presidential election, former president Donald Trump amplified such baseless conspiracy theories by promoting tweets that described Biden as a pedophile.

This 8 Year Old Bride Die On Her Wedding Night. When You See Why, You’ll Be Sick ? Getting married is supposed to be one of the most special moments in life, but what happens when it turns out to be more of a nightmare than the dream you’d envisioned?

An 8 year old Yemeni child bride, a mere girl, recently died on her wedding night from internal hemorrhaging. She was married to a man five times her age. As disgusting as the tradition of marrying off children to much older men is, it is common practice in Yemen.

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More than a quarter of the female population are married before the age of 15. In 2010, a 12 year-old girl passed away after struggling for three days in labor, attempting to give birth to a baby. Countless other children have been subjected to similar atrocities. At only 8 years-old, one child bride in Yemen sustained internal injuries so severe, she died. Marrying young daughters to much older men is a common practice in Yemen.

You may also like: Why is the child in hands of the beggar always sleeping?

More than a quarter or Yemen’s female population marry before the age of 15.

These atrocities against young girls have outraged groups all over the world who are working to stop this barbaric tradition.

Groups all over the world are working to snuff out this archaic and disgusting practice, but its proving difficult. The impoverished country is gripped by the practice of selling off children to be married; poor families find themselves unable to say no to “bride-prices” that can be hundreds of dollars for their daughters. More people need to know this is happening.

Why is sleeping child in the hands of beggars? Have you ever wondered … This is an article I came across months ago. We are not sure of the author. However we’ve checked the authenticity of this with our followers in Bangkok and Cambodia. Surprisingly this seems to be true and their request is only to offer beggars with food and water and not money. Any hlp you can do in terms of their needs are just fine. But make sure you do not hand over big bills that will keep the begging industry going. You should be wise enough to know whom to help and how to help. Make your decision based on the situation and knowing it well enough.

“”Near the metro station sits a woman of uncertain age. Women’s hair is confused and dirty, her head bowed in grief.

The woman sits on the dirty floor and next to her lies a bag. In that bag people throw money. On the hands of a woman, asleep, is a two year old baby. He’s in a dirty hat and dirty clothes.

“Madonna with baby” – numerous passers-by will donate money. The people of our kind- we always feel sorry for less fortunate. We are ready to give unfortunate people the last shirt, the last penny out of your pocket and never think another issue. Helping, seems like. “Good job done”…

I walked past a beggar for a month. Did not give any money, as I knew that this is a gang operated scam and money collected by the beggar will be given to whoever controls beggars in the area. Those people own numerous luxury properties and cars. Oh and beggar also gets something, of course “ A bottle of vodka in the evening and a döner kebab”. A month later, walking past the beggars, as shock, it suddenly hit me….

I’m staying at a busy crossing, stared at the baby, dressed as always- dirty track suit. I realized that it seemed “wrong”, finding a child in a dirty underground station from morning to evening. The baby slept. Never sobbed or screamed, always asleep, burying his face in the knee of a woman who was his MUM.

Do any of you, dear readers, have children? Remember how often they slept at the age of 1-2-3 years? Hour two, maximum three (not consecutive) afternoon nap, and again – movement. For the whole month, every day of my walking in the underground, I’ve never seen a child awake! I looked at the tiny little man, with his face buried in the knee of his mother, then at the beggar, and my suspicion was gradually formed. – Why he sleeps all the time? I asked, staring at the baby.

The beggar pretended not to hear me. She lowered her eyes and hid her face in the collar of her shabby jacket. I repeated the question. The woman again looked up. She looked somewhere behind my back, tired with utter irritation. Her look was similar to the creatures from a different planet. – F *** off … her lips murmured. -Why is he asleep?! I almost cried …

Behind me someone put his hand on my shoulder. I looked back. A some old man was looking at me disapprovingly:
– What do you want from her? Can’t you see how hard she’s got it in her life… Eh …
He gets some coins from his pocket and throws them in the beggar’s bag.
Beggar made a hand wave of a cross, portraying the face of humility and universal grief. The guy removed his hand from my shoulder and strolled out of the underground station. I bet, at home, he will tell how he defended poor, distraught woman from a soulless man in a tube station.

Next day I called a friend. It was a funny man with eyes like olives Romanian nationality. He only managed to complete three and a half years of education. The complete lack of education does not prevent him from moving around the City streets on very expensive foreign cars and live in a “small” house with countless number of windows and balconies. From my friend I managed to find out that this business, despite the apparent spontaneity, clearly organized. Its supervised by begging organized crime rings. The children used are in “rent” from families of alcoholics, or simply stolen.

I needed to get the answer to the question – why is the baby sleeping? And I received it. My friend Gypsy said the phrase, completely ordinary with calm voice that twisted me in shock, just like he was talking about weather report: -They are on heroin, or vodka …

I was dumbfounded. “Who is on heroin? Whom – under vodka?! ” He answered -The Child, so he doesn’t scream. The women will be sitting whole day with him, imagine how he might get bored?

In order to make the baby slept the whole day, it pumped up with vodka or drugs. Of course, children’s bodies are not able to cope with such a shock. And children often die. The most terrible thing – sometimes children die during the “working day”. And imaginary mother must hold another dead child on her hands until the evening. These are the rules. And the by passers-by will throw some money in the bag, and believe that they are moral. Helping “mother alone” …

… The next day I was walking near the same underground station. I stocked up journalistic identity, and was ready for a serious conversation. But the conversation didn’t work out. But turned out the following … A woman was sitting on the floor and in her hands she was holding a child. I asked her a question about the documents on the child, and, most importantly, where was yesterday’s kid, which she simply ignored. My questions were not ignored by passers-by. I was told that I was out of my mind screaming at poor beggar with a child. All in all, I was escorted out of the tube station in disgrace. One thing remained was to call the police. When police arrived, beggar with the baby disappeared. I stood with a full sense of – “I’m trying to fight windmills”.

When you see in the subway, on the street whether women with children, begging, think before your hand climb for money. Think about that, if it wasn’t for your hundreds of thousands of handouts, the business like this would have died. The business would die and not the children-inflated with vodka or drugs. Do not look at the sleeping child with affection. See horror… Since you’re reading this article, you know now- why the child is sleeping in beggars hands.

P.S. - If you copy this article on your wall or just click “Share”, your friends will read it too. And when you decide again to open your wallet to throw a coin to a beggar, remember that this charity could cost another child’s life.”

Per Biden Saying 42 U.S. Code Chapter 21B - RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION Satan Worship and Child Sacrifice Law and Secret Pedophile's Rules - Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens. While the First Amendment enforces the “separation of church and state” it doesn’t exclude religion from public life. From the colonial era to present, religion has played a major role in politics in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court over the years has ruled inconsistently on matters of religious freedom, such as the display of religious symbols in government buildings.

Child sacrifice is the ritualistic killing of children in order to please or appease a deity, supernatural beings, or sacred social order, tribal, group or national loyalties in order to achieve a desired result.

Ritual Child Sacrifice Is Alive and Well in 21st Century America In this nation, children's body parts are sacrificed for witchcraft and food too.

Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite - - Disney Cruise Charged Kids $75 To Visit Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' A Disney owned and operated a cruise line in the Caribbean offered a snorkeling trip for children to Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Pedophile Island” for years.

Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence - - Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.

Powerful video reveals brutal reality of life for child brides and refugee girls. More than 100 girls took part in a powerful demonstration about the perilous future faced by many young female refugees. Many of the young girls dressed as child brides as they added a twist onto the popular mannequin challenge – a video during which participants stay as still as possible – by turning it into an important piece of activism. Text over on the video reads: ‘As refugees, girls are more likely to be caught in a vacuum of violence, early marriage and denial of education. ‘Refugee girls are too often invisible. Their voices lost.’ In the footage, many of the child brides are accompanied by much older men to signify the all too often fate of young female refugees.

The mannequin challenge stunt played out on Dublin’s South King Street and was organised by child rights organisation Plan International Ireland.

The group hope to show support and raise awareness for the 16.5 million girls who are globally displaced because of conflict or persecution. The clip comes amid backlash towards the Government, as it emerged just 350 unaccompanied children will be given a home in the UK under the so-called Dubs amendment.

The number is far fewer than the 3,000 campaigners had initially hoped for. The latest development does not alter the closure of the Dubs scheme under section 67 of the Immigration Act, but it could help children with relatives in the UK who may be eligible for asylum under the Dublin Regulation covering family reunion cases.

After the clearance of the Calais Jungle site, children who were moved to migrant centres across France were assessed under the Dubs and Dublin criteria.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: ‘Children in France may be eligible to be transferred to the UK where they have a family link as set out in the Dublin Regulation. ‘We have agreed with the French authorities that we will review any new information from children formerly resident in the Calais camp to assess whether it would change our determination of their eligibility under the Dublin Regulation, to encourage an application.’ The development came as The Guardian reported migrant youngsters had returned to the site of the former Calais camp in a renewed effort to make the crossing to the UK.

One teenager who arrived in London this weekend after hiding beneath a coach at the port told the newspaper that increasing numbers of children in French reception centres had lost hope of travelling to the UK by official means and were returning to Calais.

The decision, which sparked an outcry, will come under scrutiny at Westminster this week with a special session of the Home Affairs Select committee on Wednesday and a House of Commons debate on Thursday. The UK Government said it is ‘committed to supporting vulnerable children who are caught up in conflict and danger’.

Puberty is the process (a series), of physical changes where a child's body matures into an adult and becomes sexually able to reproduce. Puberty is started by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads. For females the ovaries and for males the testes.

Adolescence refers to a period of time where there is a physiological and physical development which takes place in between childhood and adulthood. Puberty is relevant in an adolescents life as it is the time where adolescents begin to explore for an identity and become an adult. Puberty is the beginning of profound changes in adolescents drive, motivation, physiology and their social life. All of these changes will continue to develop throughout the adolescents life.

Social and emotional changes contribute to major differences in a child and adult. Physical and emotional changes of female puberty do not always happen together. Sometimes female's mature emotionally before any physical changes happen. Social and emotional changes are signs that show that you are forming an independent identity, are maturing and beginning to learn how to be an adult.

Some social changes you may experience puberty when you are around 9 to 11 years old so age of consent for sex and marriages need to be 8 yrs. old under sharia law and rules and per freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (age very's) are:
Searching for an identity; Children and adolescents are busy figuring out where they fit in the world. This search is often influenced by gender, peer group, cultural background as well as family expectations.
Seeking independence; This is very likely to influence your decisions you make and the relationships that you have with family and friends.
Seeking responsibility; This can take place at home and at school
Looking for new experiences; The nature of teenage brain development means that teens are likely to try and seek new experiences and engage in more risk-taking behavior. But teenagers are still developing control over their impulses.
Thinking about 'right' and 'wrong' more often; You will start to develop stronger individual sets of values and morals. You will also learn that there are responsibilities for your own actions, decisions and consequences. You will question more things such as words and actions. Words and actions can help you develop a sense of right or wrong. This is influenced by friends, behavior, sense of self and self-esteem start to develop. You may also begin to explore a sexual identity; you may begin to have a romantic relationship or go on dates. These are not always necessarily intimate relationships though. For some children and adolescents intimate or sexual relationships don't occur until later on in your lifetime and communicate in different ways. For example the internet, mobile phones and social media can also influence how you communicate with your friends and learn about the world.

Some emotional changes you may experience when you are around 9 to 11 years old so age of consent for sex and marriages need to be 8 yrs. old under sharia law and rules and per freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (age very's) are:
Showing strong feelings and intense emotions at different times.; Your moods may seem unpredictable. These emotional ups and downs are easily lead to conflict. Your brain is still learning about how to control and express different emotions in a mature way.
Sensitive; You may become sensitive to your emotions. Children and adolescents get better at reading and processing other people feelings and emotions as they mature. While you are developing these types of skills, you can sometimes misunderstand body language or facial expressions.
Self-conscious; You can become more self-conscious. Especially about physical appearance and changes. Teenage self-esteem is often affected by appearance or about how young people think they look. As you develop you may compare your bodies to your friends, peers as well as celebrities.
'Bulletproof' stage of thinking; You may go through a 'Bulletproof' stage of thinking or acting where you act as if nothing bad could happen to you and your decision making skills are still developing at this stage. You are still learning the consequences of your actions.

Changes in different relationships
You may have some changes in your relationships with family and friends.
These may include:
Wanting to spend less time or not be around relative's; You may also want to spend not as much time with friends, peers and family.
Arguments; You may have more arguments with people you have close relationships with such as your parents, siblings and friends. Conflicts between children and parents are normal as teenagers want independence. These arguments could show that your child is maturing. Conflict and arguments tend to begin in the early stages of adolescents.
Different views; You may see different points of view from your parents. This is because you are beginning to think outside of the box (more abstractly), and to question different points of view. Although at the same time, you may find it difficult to understand the consequences of their behavior and comments on others. These skills will eventually mature.

Hormones can cause many of the Physical and Emotional changes that take place during puberty. Growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and this gland is responsible for growth spurts. This includes the lengthening of the long bongs (These are the legs and arms), and the increase in the size of the overall body and internal organs. For example the hearts, lungs and uterus.

For girls, you can see early physical changes from around 10 to 11 years of age. Although this age can vary from 8 years being the youngest and 13 being the oldest. Physical changes around the time of puberty include breast development, changes in body shape (hips widening), and height growth, growth of pubic and body hair and the start of menstruation (periods). Many females also get acne and pimples. The best way to prevent and treat pimples are to use a daily face wash or pimple treatment such as Clearasil. As you mature you also develop a body odors. So it is even more important to bathe or have a shower very often.

For boys, physical changes start at around 11 to 12 years of age. Although this age can vary from 9 years being the youngest and 14 being the oldest. Physical changes include the growth of the penis and testicles (testes), height growth, change in body shape, erections with ejaculation, broadening of chest and shoulders, appearance of body hair and pubic hair, growth of body and facial hair as well as changes to the voice (voice deepens). Many males also get acne and pimples. The best way to prevent and treat pimples are to use a daily face wash or pimple treatment such as Clearasil. For males there is even a possibility of breast development. As you mature you also develop a body odors. So it is even more important to bathe or have a shower very often.

For trans kids. Every parent here is familiar with the statistic, the one that says 41 percent of transgender people have attempted suicide at least once. Most of the kids who come through the doors at UCSF have experienced at least one episode of acute depression, according to Rosenthal.

Puberty typically starts around 10 years old for girls and 11 years old for boys, when doctors can prescribe hormone blockers. The Endocrine Society recommends that kids start taking these hormones as early as 13 or 14 years old. If they change their minds and become "demisters," there is no harm done.

A large study of transgender adolescents from the Netherlands found that only 1.9 percent of those who hit puberty and start puberty blockers decide to stop treatment like Alex did. There is more debate around how likely prepubescent children are to later not identify as transgender. For this reason, they are not offered hormone therapies. They also, by definition, have not yet started puberty, and thus there is no puberty to block and no need for hormone therapy.

Pubertal blockers for transgender and gender-diverse youth By Mayo Clinic Staff
Transgender and gender-diverse children might choose to temporarily suppress puberty through the use of prescription medications called pubertal blockers. But deciding to get this treatment is a big step.

The medications mostly commonly used to suppress puberty are known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. Here's what you need to know about the benefits, side effects and long-term effects.

What do pubertal blockers do?
Puberty's physical changes can cause intense distress for many gender-nonconforming adolescents. When taken regularly, GnRH analogues suppress the body's release of sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, during puberty.

Sex hormones affect:

Primary sex characteristics. These are the sexual organs present at birth, including the penis, scrotum and testicles and the uterus, ovaries and vagina.
Secondary sex characteristics. These are the physical changes in the body that typically appear during puberty. Examples include breast development and growth of facial hair.
In those identified as male at birth, GnRH analogues decrease the growth of facial and body hair, prevent voice deepening, and limit the growth of genitalia.

In those identified as female at birth, treatment limits or stops breast development and stops menstruation.

What are the benefits of use of pubertal blockers?
Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might accompany a difference between experienced or expressed gender and sex assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria that starts in childhood and worsens with the start of puberty rarely goes away.

For children who have gender dysphoria, suppressing puberty might:

Improve mental well-being
Reduce depression and anxiety
Improve social interactions and integration with other kids
Eliminate the need for future surgeries
Reduce thoughts or actions related to self-harm
However, puberty suppression alone might not ease gender dysphoria.

What are the criteria for use of pubertal blockers?
To begin using pubertal blockers, a child must:

Show a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria
Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty
Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with treatment
Have entered the early stage of puberty
Provide informed consent
Particularly when a child hasn't reached the age of medical consent, parents or other caretakers or guardians must consent to the treatment and support the adolescent through the treatment process.

What happens when pubertal blockers are stopped?
Use of GnRH analogues pauses puberty, providing time to determine if a child's gender identity is long lasting. It also gives children and their families time to think about or plan for the psychological, medical, developmental, social and legal issues ahead.

If an adolescent child decides to stop taking GnRH analogues, puberty will resume and the normal progression of the physical and emotional changes of puberty will continue.

What is the typical treatment time frame?
For most children, puberty begins around ages 10 to 11, though puberty sometimes starts earlier. The effect of pubertal blockers depends on when a child begins to take the medication. GnRH analogue treatment can begin at the start of puberty to delay secondary sex characteristics. In slightly later stages of puberty, the treatment could be used to stop menstruation or erections or to prevent further development of undesired secondary sex characteristics.

While most children take the medication for a few years, every child is different. After suppressing puberty for a few years, your child might decide to stop puberty blocking therapy or pursue other hormone treatments.

How is the medication given?
GnRH analogue treatments for children are prescribed, administered and monitored by a pediatric endocrinologist. The medication is typically given as injections, either monthly or every three months, or through an implant placed under the skin of the upper arm. The implant typically needs to be replaced every 12 months.

While taking pubertal blockers, your child will have regular blood tests to monitor the medication's effectiveness. Your child will also be monitored for any side effects.

What are the possible side effects and complications?
It's important for your child to stay on schedule with all related medical appointments. Contact your child's doctor if any changes cause you or your child concern.

Possible side effects of GnRH analogue treatment include:

Injection site swelling
Weight gain - Hot flashes - Headaches
Use of GnRH analogues might also have long-term effects on:

Growth spurts
Bone growth and density
Future fertility — depending on when pubertal blockers are started
Children may have their height checked every three months. Bone density is also checked periodically. If bone growth or density is a concern, your child's health care provider might prescribe a different medication, stop treatment with GnRH analogues or recommend the best time to start cross-hormone therapy.

If children with male genitalia begin using GnRH analogues early in puberty, they might not develop enough penile and scrotal skin for certain gender affirming genital surgical procedures, such as penile inversion vaginoplasty. Alternative techniques, however, are available.

In addition, delaying puberty beyond one's peers can be stressful. Your child might experience lower self-esteem.

What other treatments are needed?
Assessment and counseling by a behavioral health provider can help you and your child as you move through the decision-making process and provide support during therapy. Engaging your child's schoolteachers and officials also might help ease your child's social adjustment during this process.

After a period of adjusting to pubertal blockers, adolescents might work with their care team to add cross-hormone treatment. This is done to develop masculine or feminine secondary sex characteristics, helping the mind and body look and act like the gender with which your child identifies. Keep in mind that some of these changes aren't reversible or will require surgery to reverse the effects. GnRH analogues aren't the only medications that can delay puberty. If you're interested in alternative treatments, talk to your child's doctor.

What Is Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy?
Gender-affirming hormone therapy can help anyone who feels uncomfortable with the physical aspects of their gender. It can be taken as pills, patches, gels, or by injection. Hormone therapy can be given alone or as preparation for gender-affirming surgery. We prescribe gender-affirming hormone therapy according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH ) Standards of Care; however, we also individualize regimens to help you reach your personal goals.

Male-to-Female Transition
Feminizing hormone therapy includes estrogen to promote feminine characteristics and anti-androgens to block the production and effects of testosterone. The goal of therapy is to attain a more feminine appearance, including breasts, softer skin, and rounder, wider hips.

Female-to-Male Transition
Masculinizing hormone therapy uses testosterone to achieve more masculine characteristics. These include a deeper voice, a more muscular appearance, and more facial and body hair. It also stops menstrual cycles.

Gender Fluid
Hormone therapy may also be taken in small doses by individuals who don’t identify as either male or female. It can result in a more androgynous or more feminine appearance that is somewhere between both genders.

Medical Supervision Is Needed
It is important to work with a gender care specialist if you are interested in this therapy because it can cause weight gain, acne, mood changes, and increased risks of serious medical conditions, such as heart disease, blood clots, and diabetes. Hormone therapy can be a lifelong commitment. Our transgender specialists work closely with you to minimize the side effects of hormone therapy and connect you with specialists who may also be part of your care. This ensures you have a positive, healthy experience.

Sharia Law has led to the legislation of child marriage in 6 countries
Saudi wives can be not only pre-pubescent, but even babies, because Saudi Arabia has no minimum marriage age at all. While Sharia law courts have created a lot of controversy in Britain, they would be even more controversial if people found out that Sharia has led to the legalisation of child marriage in 6 countries. As the vast majority of people seem to be unaware of Sharia's child marriage dimension, this article only uses mainstream media articles, the UN, a major opinion poll company's Sharia law polling data, and the early biographer of Mohammed who Muslims say is the most reliable, and who states unequivocally that that Mohammed married one of his wives, 'Aisha, when she was a child as its sources. For example, this 2008 "Times" article about forced child marriages in Nigeria, reveals that there is "fierce resistance" in its mostly Muslim states to a ban on child marriage, because they see such a ban as contrary to Sharia, which is why only one of them has agreed to a modified form of the ban (which outlaws marriage to pre-pubescent girls):

So why do Nigerian Islamists support child marriage?

Sharia is based on "The Koran", and the "Sunnah" (the words and deeds of Mohammed), and according to Sahih al-Bukhari, who is regarded by Muslims as the most reliable early biographer of their prophet, the founder of Islam married one of his wives, 'Aisha, when she was 6, and consummated that marriage when she was 9, as volume 7, book 62, number 64 of this University of Southern California Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement translation of Al-Bukhari reveals:

These 4 BBC News, "New York Times", UN, and "Wall Street Journal" articles mention Islamists in Yemen, Niger, and Saudi Arabia who say that Mohammed's child bride is the reason why they are in favour of child marriage:

The "Views of harsh punishments" section of this 2010 Pew Research poll, revealed that most Muslims in Nigeria support 3 grotesque, and extremely violent Sharia punishments (stoning adulterers to death, cutting off the hands of thieves, and executing people who abandon their Muslim faith), and that Muslims in Pakistan, Jordan, and Egypt are even more strongly in favour of those 3 punishments, so it is not surprising that, for the same obvious Sharia reason, grotesque child marriages are legal in 4 other mostly Muslim nations, and were until recently legal in another mostly Muslim country:

Saudi Arabian law is based entirely on the harshest of the 3 Sunni schools of Sharia jurisprudence (the "Hanbali"), so it is no surprise that as this 2010 "San Francisco Chronicle" article explains, child marriage is still legal in that country, although the Saudi justice minister said in 2009 that the minimum marriage age should be raised to 18:

Saudi wives can be not only pre-pubescent, but even babies, because Saudi Arabia has no minimum marriage age at all, as this 2008 Associated Press article reveals:

That article quotes Saudi marriage official Ahmad al-Muabi's opinion that fathers can legally sell their 1 year old daughters to husbands if they wish.

Moreover, once a Saudi girl or baby has been sold to a husband, she can then find it difficult to divorce him, as the just cited "San Francisco Chronicle" article pointed out that a Saudi court would not allow an 8 year old girl to divorce her middle aged husband.

In another case which this BBC News story discusses, a 12 year old Saudi girl asked for a divorce from the 80 year old husband she had been sold to, after he allegedly raped her, but she then dropped the divorce case, because her father wanted her to stay married:

Nor is it a surprise that in Islamist run Northern Sudan, 10 year old girls can legally be sold to a husband by their fathers, as this 2010 "New Republic" magazine article shows:

People tend to think of Turkey as a relatively secular Muslim country, but the "San Francisco Chronicle" article about Saudi Arabian child marriage which I cited a moment ago, also mentions the fact that Turkey's Islamist government reduced the minimum marriage to 12 in 2009. The result of that law change, was of course the legalisation of forced child marriages, which is why this Turkish newspaper article discusses the case of a Syrian 12 year old girl whose family sold her to a middle aged Turkish husband, who then raped her and forced her to take drugs, which led to Turkish police having to rescue her after her Syrian family complained:

There has also been controversy over child marriages in Yemen in recent years, but because of Islamist opposition to outlawing them, they are still legal, which is why a 2009 ban on them was overturned after just 1 day:

Yemen's child brides can be sold to men when they are as young as 8:

Moreover, in Iran, where the minimum marriage age is now 16 for women and 18 for men, Sharia law recently led to the age of consent for girls being 9 within marriage, as this 2006 BBC article about a 16 year old Iranian woman who was executed for having sex outside marriage explains:

Finally, even when child marriage is illegal in mostly Muslim countries, Islamists often simply ignore the law. For example, child marriage is illegal in Afghanistan, but this 2011 "Time" magazine article about Afghan wives being jailed for fleeing violent husbands, points out that, "Nationwide, more than half of all girls are married before they turn 15, usually to settle disputes.":,8599,2039564,00.html

This "New York Times" article about Afghan child marriages discusses an 11 year old girl who was sold to a 40 year old man:

So will Britain's Sharia courts lead to Britain's Islamists ignoring British democratic law by selling young girls to men? After all, as this 2011 article points out, polygamy, which like selling girls to men is a product of an extremely male dominated Sharia culture in which males have a far higher status than females, is already widespread in Britain, despite the fact that polygamy is illegal under British democratic law.

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