Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-19-23: Parallel of Israel’s & America’s Beginnings

1 year ago

An interesting parallel is evident when we compare certain historical aspects of ancient Israel’s beginning with that of America’s first years. In making this comparison, we don’t want to make the mistake of conflating or confusing the covenants God made with Israel with how our nation was founded and developed. The Bible clearly records the multi-covenant promises the Lord made with His Chosen People. There’s obviously no such Scriptural record for us in the US to cling to. Yet, our nation has had a very special relationship with God because of how the hearts of many of our founding fathers were for Him. That’s important and extremely consequential. When a people honor and revere our Creator as the One true God and worship only Him, He blesses that nation and/or individuals for the faith it requires to take such a stand for Him. Likewise, when a people turn away from God, they lose His favor and suffer the consequences for their apostasy.
God had a plan for the Israelites. They were to be a blessing to others and a beacon in the world pointing Gentiles toward the Holy One of Israel. Much of that plan didn’t work so well because of the deceitful hearts of God’s children. The Jewish nation had a faith problem. Apparently one God - who laid down rules, commandments, statutes, precepts, and laws - must have been too boring for their tastes. But, the gods of the pagan nations surrounding Israel – the pantheon of them! Now there were some deities to worship and follow! Nothing ho-hum about these fascinating beings. And the marvelous part was that Israel could have a god for all occasions and every reason. You want a cricket god to oversee those insects as a yummy snack, or a mealworm god to revere when you make mealworm flour pancakes? You got it! Gosh, you’d think the Israelites were heeding the World Economic Forum of today in following those gods.

But, of course, this falling away took time. One doesn’t usually change his gods overnight. In fact, most people don’t do it at all. Leave it to the Israelites, as the prophet lamented in Jeremiah 2:11:

Has a nation changed its gods,
even though they are no gods?
But my people have changed their glory
for that which does not profit.

America started out well, just as Israel did in Round 2 when the people finally crossed the Jordan River after the Exodus generation failed Round 1, and God determined they would wander in the wilderness 40 years for their lack of faith. That’s the problem, however, whether with Israel or America, starting out well isn’t a promise of continuing to do so. How is it working out for us to change our God for other gods?

In today’s Prophecy Update I want to draw some simple parallels between these two nations from their earliest years. As I inevitably do, I then wish to project where each of these once God-fearing states will end up because of their falling away into the foolish pursuit of other gods.

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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