Attorney Todd Callender Unpacks DoD-DARPA VAxx Bioweapon (Reiner Fuellmich)

1 year ago

Attorney Todd Callender Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich

Attorney Todd Callender Unpacks DoD-DARPA VAxx Bioweapon (Reiner Fuellmich)
Open Secrets - March 29, 2022 - (Corona Investigative Committee)

Attorney Todd Callender Unpacks DoD-DARPA VAxx Bioweapon (Reiner Fuellmich)

Corona Investigative Committee: Todd Callender – Lawyer (Disabled Rights Advocates) worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.

He was the first lawyer in the US to sue the US Department of Defense, HHS and FDA in relation to the mandates and as such, he acquired 400,000 military clients (plaintiffs) with scores of them and others that have provided ample whistleblower evidence.

Knows from the DMED Database that in 10 months of 2021 all cause morbidity and mortality has increased by 11.000% between 18-40 years of age only for military personal. Callender: “This is Genocide”


Todd Callender | Session 97: Open Secrets - March 29, 2022

Guest: Todd Callender - Lawyer (Disabled Rights Advocates)
worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.

Was the first lawyer in the US to sue the US Department of Defense, HHS and FDA in relation to the mandates and as such, he acquired 400,000 military clients (plaintiffs) with scores of them and others that have provided ample whistleblower evidence.
Knows from the DMED Database that in 10 months of 2021 all cause morbidity and mortality has increased by 11.000% between 18-40 years of age only for military personal. Callender: “This is Genocide”

The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
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