Woke Attorney General UNJUSTLY Targets Cop: Michigan Jury Finds Officer NOT GUILTY Of BOGUS CHARGES

1 year ago

Matthew Mistretta is a decorated veteran who was targeted by a woke anti-police Attorney General
Brooke Livingston is Matthew’s fiance and joins Stew to talk about his unjust prosecution.
Matthew Mistretta used justifiable force when he arrested a suspect who was fleeing a murder scene.
Once the video of the arrest was posted to social media, woke Attorney General Dana Nessel pounced on the political opportunity and charged the officer with assault.
Police departments across the country continue to lower their standards because of anti-police sentiment propagated by a sensationalized media.
Officer Mistretta engaged in proactive policing and that is what led to the arrest of the murder suspect.
Police policies are increasingly abandoning and abdicating their responsibilities to the public by rejecting proactive policing.
If officers like Mistretta are barred from protecting citizens and effectively upholding the law, America is bound to crumble from the inside out
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