Greg Glaser interviewed by Viviane Fischer and Wolfgang Wodarg - All vaccines are unsafe

1 year ago

Hier geht's zum deutschen Stream:

Greg Glaser - Vaccine rights attorney
with a litigation and transactional law background.
Graduate of UCLA and the University of San Francisco.
According to Glaser, the largest control group study ever
conducted, from before "Covid", proves over 99% that people
who have NEVER received any "vaccination" in their lives are
up to 4000% healthier. He therefore filed a Petition for a writ of
certiorari on May 27 for Joy Garner and on Behalf of The Control
Group, et al., Petitioners versus Joseph R. Biden, President oft he USA.
On October 3, 2022 the US Supreme Court denied The Control
Group’s petition for writ of certiorari.


The unvaccinated control group is exponentially healthier than the
vaccinated. Pilot Survey Graphs, and Statistics Report Verifying Same.
The very high correlation between rising national disease rates and the
growing CDC Vaccination Schedule. Correlation Coefficient Graphs.
The national decline in mortality occurred before vaccination. Historical
Data Graphs.
Government's own data proves vaccination is never worth the risk.
Expert Mathematics Report.
Highlights from court documents. Evidence Highlights.
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Anonymous hints to the Corona Investigative Committee:

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