"I'm no TROUT,consequently not to be caught,especially by TICKLING", said one honest politician once

1 year ago

In other words, not only I AM NOT FOR SALE, but NOT EVEN SLIGHLY ALLURED TO MOVE OVER TO YOUR SIDE BY NICE OFFERINGS. I DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF YOUR 'CLUB'. Could have also been said today by Elon Musk, I suppose, or whoever else is not tempted to sell their soul, however great the riches and opportunities offered on the other side. Most politicians fail on this nowadays. The temptation to 'join' is too great.
It comes from William Cobbett, (9 March 1763 – 18 June 1835) who was an English pamphleteer, journalist, Member of Parliament, and farmer born in Farnham, Surrey, England. The situation was this: Tallyrand, French aristocrat, thinker and socialite, known for his irony, and seeing vey clearly that Cobbett was of peasant stock, asked him, directly, whether it was Oxford or Cambridge he had attended. Cobbett was a farmer. He had never been beside a school or a college but understood the 'put-down' by the aristocrat. Cobbett burst out with bucolic assurance and, indeed, making reference to his background and bringing the aristocrat down a notch or two: " I'm no trout, Sir, and consequently not to be caught by tickling'.
Here, some quotes I have accumulated over the years from diverse authors (Dostoyevsky, Tallyrand, Aldous Huxley, etc). I've separated them into several categories: The Young, Globalist governance (political and religious), Politicians, and Society (the rest of us).
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