Episode 115 - Press to a Miracle

1 year ago

"Who touched me?"

There is a miracle that is briefly mentioned in Mark 5 that we a lot of times seem to just breeze right on through in our Bible reading. I've read it many times, but I have never really taken in all of the lessons taught by this passage.

In this miracle the woman goes to Jesus, even when she isn't supposed to be seen in public and reached out to touch Jesus for her miracle.

When she touched the hem of Jesus garment, He calls her out. Why did Jesus want to single this woman out in front of the Crowd? In Psalm 50:15 God says, "Call on me in the day of trouble, I will rescue you and you will honor Me."

It would seem then that Jesus was determined to see that God was glorified publicly in this healing.

Sometimes miracles are triggered by our movement.

This week, we continue our mini-series on miracles as we study the woman with the issue of blood.

Visit my website at www.connectingthegap.net for more details about my ministry. We'd love to hear from you if you have experienced a miracle in your life and we would love to share that if you would permit us to. Our contact information is at our website and on our Facebook page.

Please subscribe and share and have a blessed week!

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