The Role of Consciousness and the Evolution of the Gospel of Marxism | James Lindsay

1 year ago

The Theology of Marxism, Session 3 of 3

In that Marxism is a theology that gives birth to a religion of Communism, it has to also have a process of conversion. That process was not well-developed under Karl Marx, but it grew over the intervening century and a half and came to be known as "conscientization." As Marxism entered its cultural turn in the 1920s, Theorists like Gyorgy Lukacs recognized that "class consciousness" unfolds in stages and is educable, though the last steps remained elusive and mysterious. By the 1980s, Theorists like Paulo Freire developed the process of conscientization further into a critical and even utopian consciousness that can be used to mobilize converts to transform the world. As we learn from the United Nations and its Agenda 2030, however, the next phase in transformation is to mobilize this utopian consciousness to create a sustained regime branded as a "sustainable and inclusive future." Thus, they forward 17 Sustainable Development Goals “to transform our world” and are beginning to gear conscientization in that direction.

In this session of @SovereignNations ’s "The Theology of Marxism" conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in June 2022, Dr. James Lindsay discusses the process of rebirth in the theology of Marxism, "conscientization," and the next turn of the Leftist Dialectic, "Sustainability."

Session 1:
Session 2:

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