MR. NON-PC- If The Unvaxxed Weren't Wanted Then.... What Changed???

1 year ago

Can everyone remember the past few years (especially in the beginning of the CovidCult!) when the Covidiots were shunning the "unvaxxed" and were pushing vaccine passports, proof of vaccination, masks and every other horrible thing they could think of!

And so many places wouldn't let you in (concerts, d-level stage shows, restaurants etc.) but funny how they dropped all the crap about a year in....what changed??

Ohhhhh...that's right, the pussified, wussified and WEAK LibTurds and Cuckservatives alike that pushed their medical apartheid realized that their CovidCult backfired financially and busted their businesses and they had to do an about face!

The best advice I can give to anyone who had to deal with being shunned by these fools is KEEP BOYCOTTING THEM.

If they didn't want you when you were "Unvaxxed" or "selfish" then nothing changed....they just want your Money $$$$

Don't give their lame asses even a penny!

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