Forsyth County Georgia Board of Education - Jere Krischel - 04/18/2023

1 year ago

This has been a difficult month, with the fourth recent radical trans mass murder incident, ending the lives of three innocent 9 year olds, and three innocent staff at a Christian school. Even if it is just a coincidence, the fact that my daughter just turned 9 made it particularly painful to witness, and my heart and prayers go out to all of the families affected by this evil.

Predictably, the same way the Zulocks in Oxford, Georgia were able to leverage their LGBTQ activism into raping and prostituting their adopted children for years, the mass murdering trans monster in Tennessee has been elevated as an LGBTQ hero, absolved of her evil in the name of sexual identity.

This cannot stand. People need to be aware of the incredible dangers of poisonous cross-sex hormones, and the irreversible damage they cause. And people need to prioritize the protection of innocent children, above the radical ideology that wants to expose them to every sexual kink and preference as early as possible.

Take for instance our disagreements on books - either the graphic sexual content of a book is trivial, and can be ignored, or the graphic sexual content of a book is vital, and must be preserved at all costs. Proponents of graphic sexual content in our school libraries keep telling us to "trust them", and that "the work as a whole is what is important, not out of context passages". If that's true, they should not object to demanding clean versions of these books from publishers, omitting any objectionable sections.

Publishers have regularly been doing this, removing words like "fat" and "ugly" from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and censoring the name of Twain's main character in Huckleberry Finn to read as "Slave Jim". If these truly trivial parts of books can be addressed by publishing clean versions of classic American literature, there's no reason why significantly more damaging and sexually inappropriate parts of books can't be fixed the same way.

Unless, of course, our darkest fears are correct, and the woke left really wants to groom our children with inappropriate sexual content.

They would object to that characterization, but sadly, once you decide that you're interested in the sexual thoughts and preferences of children, and believe that you're obligated to explain in graphic detail the world of sexual kink, in order to build a society that includes more than just plain old hetrosexual missionary position, you're a predator who feeds on destroying the innocence of children.

I would ask the Board to pursue a policy where books with graphic sexual content are immediately rejected for purchase for our libraries, with publishers required to provide clean versions that are age appropriate.

I would also ask that parental objections to graphic sexual content in books, by default, have the book removed until the publisher can provide a clean version with that content scrubbed. If there is literary merit to the books in question, surely they can survive the modification of a few passages.

Unless, of course, our progressive librarians and media specialists actually want to make the case that inappropriate graphic sexual content is the core of literary merit, and openly admit their intention to destroy the innocence of our children.

And so on that note, thank you very much for your time, and again, I'd love to have lunch with anyone who disagrees with me.

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