Episode #96: Are Republicans Finally Growing a Spine?

1 year ago

Jacob and Eric recap the results of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race and the Chicago mayoral election before talking about the latest 2024 candidates. They then discuss the Tennessee GOP's expulsion of two far-left, pro-transgender insurrectionist Democrats, and Greg Abbott's potential pardon of Daniel Perry, and whether or not these instances suggest that the GOP is finally growing a backbone.

00:00 Intro
03:39 Grim Electoral News in the Midwest
17:02 New Candidates Jump into 2024 Race
40:16 Main Topic: Tennessee House Expels Great Value Jesse Jacksons
01:20:47 Main Topic: Governor Greg Abbott (TX) Offers Reprieve from a Pro-BLM Jury Lynch Mob


Leftist candidate Janet Protasiewicz crushes conservative Daniel Kelly in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/05/left-wing-candidate-wins-crucial-wisconsin-supreme-court-election/

Far-left Brandon Johnson narrowly defeats the more moderate Paul Vallas in the Chicago mayoral race: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/05/far-left-brandon-johnson-wins-chicago-mayoral-runoff/

Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announces his candidacy for the 2024 Republican primaries: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/02/asa-hutchinson-presidential-bid-trump-withdraw-00090058

Breitbart Facebook post where Boomers in the comments blindly support Tim Scott for no particular reason whatsoever: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02FZsYxq9Hysr2eDactQK5TCRRYjewMzfYuaCKXCpAf6o8FceKG52MHe4vfWfPb2j6l&id=100059642974022&mibextid=qC1gEa

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his campaign for president as a Democrat: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/08/robert-f-kennedy-jr-makes-a-run/

Roger Stone predicts that President Trump will choose RFK Jr. as his running mate in 2024 for a “unity ticket:” https://twitter.com/alanjacoby1776/status/1644868598303805440

A mob of trannies and other far-left rioters storm the Tennessee State Capitol: https://twitter.com/therighttakepod/status/1641509705854902289

Video proof of the tranny rioters assaulting state troopers as they tried to breach the capitol: https://twitter.com/craftmastah/status/1644030276425621525

The three transurrectionist lawmakers interrupt the legislature’s proceedings with a bullhorn and bringing rioters into the chamber: https://twitter.com/vincedaotv/status/1641511869960577042

Newsweek writes a pathetic “fact-check” to insist that it wasn’t trannies who stormed the Tennessee Capitol: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-transgender-community-storm-tennessee-capitol-1791626

Karine Jean-Pierre, days after the Nashville shooting, says “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now:” https://twitter.com/tpostmillennial/status/1641521322072088588

Another mob of trannies stormed the Florida State Capitol the day after the Tennessee Transurrection: https://twitter.com/therighttakepod/status/1642499263530713096

Kamala Harris goes to Tennessee to meet with the three transurrectionsts: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/07/tennessee-house-expulsion-kamala-harris-meet-ousted-members/11621736002/

The speeches given by the three transurrectionists on the day of their expulsion vote: https://twitter.com/vincedaotv/status/1644412591505121307

The three transurrectionists arrive to their expulsion vote, “arm and arm,” LARPing as civil rights icons: https://twitter.com/kelseymgibbs/status/1643979193343168512

Greg Abbott vows to pardon Sergeant Daniel Perry for killing a BLM rioter: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/10/texas-governor-promises-to-swiftly-pardon-army-sergeant-convicted-of-killing-blm-rioter/

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