Chaos on the Streets: London Breed's Homelessness Policies Under Fire

1 year ago

San Francisco has long been known for its progressive politics, but in recent years, fear of crime has become a major issue in local politics. Mayor London Breed and her allies have been accused of stoking this fear for political gain, particularly in the recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who was replaced by a hand-picked successor. But is there really a crime wave in San Francisco, or is it just fear?

According to Eric Jaye, writing in the San Francisco Examiner, the answer is the latter. In his article, he argues that there is no significant crime wave in the city, only a fear of one. This fear has been fueled by Breed and her allies, who have been pushing an aggressive anti-crime agenda.

Jaye points out that Breed now controls every city agency responsible for public safety, giving her a great deal of power over the issue. However, her administration's handling of public safety efforts has come under criticism, particularly her "State of Emergency" in the Tenderloin and the opening of a safe injection site without proper coordination. Jaye argues that these missteps have created a sense of chaos on the streets and contributed to the fear of crime.

In addition to these concerns, Breed's homelessness policies have also been criticized for contributing to the sense of chaos in the city. While homelessness is not a crime, Jaye suggests that the chaos of encampments is often conflated with criminal activity, creating a sense of fear among voters.

So, what does this all mean for Breed and her administration? Jaye suggests that the fear of crime may become a trap for the mayor, with the exits closing in on her. While she may have successfully used fear of crime to gain political power in the short term, the growing sense of chaos on the streets and the fear it creates could ultimately become a political liability.

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