Shocking Revelation: This Is Why America’s Elites Are Bowing Down to Communist China

1 year ago

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“Why America’s elites grovel before communist China”—that’s the million-dollar question raised and answered by David Kupelian, vice president and managing editor of online news giant WorldNetDaily.

Joining Larry Elder, Kupelian discusses the Chinese Communist Party’s long-term thinking and desire to become the global hegemon, as well as its explicit atheism and totalitarianism. “Atheistic means there’s no God, the government is God, they are the controlling authority of everything,” he said. “And so they want to rule the world.”

Kupelian argues that many American elites are infatuated with China’s dictatorship and that America’s dealings with China are usually motivated by money, often at the expense of serious human rights concerns. He suggests that America needs to elect leaders who love the country and believe in the Constitution and that a free press is necessary to hold those in power accountable.

Didn’t the United States withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) during the Trump administration? It turns out that the withdrawal was halted by Joe Biden. According to Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, the WHO’s plans pose an existential threat to American sovereignty and personal medical freedom.”

Joining Elder, Littlejohn explains what she calls a “digital gulag” that has been tried out in China and expanded to the rest of the world, including America.

She says the WHO is negotiating two instruments that would allow it to go into any country, including the United States, and mandate things like vaccines, which would abrogate national sovereignty and personal medical independence. Additionally, the U.S. Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which obligates the United States to comply with anything passed by the WHO.

She also discusses central bank digital currencies, which would allow the government to know every transaction and programmatically control spending, potentially allowing the enforcement of vaccine requirements. She encourages people to take action through the Sovereignty Coalition website to alert Congress to the issue.
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