Do vaxxinated people emit Bluetooth signals?

1 year ago

Could it be true that the vaxxinated part of the population was chipped in the process?

As a qualified radio communication engineer, I have carried out some field studies to investigate whether the COVID-19 vaxxinated people actually radiates Bluetooth MAC addresses, just like it was shown in the BlueTRUTH video by COMUSAV.

You can find the BlueTruth video by COMUSAV here:

Here is the link to a video taken on the location of one of my own field studies. In the video I approach a family of three after the Bluetooth app shows two "Unknown name" in the display. The mother and the father confirms they are inoculated. The language is unfortunately Danish in the video:

You can find more information on the subject on Claire Edwards homepage, where there's a wealth of information on the technology:

La Quinta Columna have collected a lot of the science in this field, and it can be found on below link (choose 'english' in top menu):

Please also feel free to download this video from Google Drive and share on your own platforms:

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