Vaccinated full of graphene oxide & who knows?

1 year ago

This is my blood under a microscope after 2 Moderna vaccines and 1 Pfizer booster in early 2021. 2 years later I decided to see for myself what they are doing to our bodies and blood so I could know for myself what was really going on. I was hoping to find nothing or to be wrong. It didn’t work out that way.

Every lab I have tried or doctor I have tried to get an order to test from has either left me on hold or stated they do not do these tests that would at very least confirm my results of something not belonging swimming through my veins.

I have some ideas of a few of these structures comparing to others who have done similar or to whistleblowers info and data from other sites where they have done similar also. I need to be able to have a verifiable testing site for factual data and backing up my slides but no one wants to be in that taboo spot of acknowledging foreign objects in my blood and help humanity out. I don’t know why no one is interested in being in the position of saving lives or at least helping hold the satanic creatures who made these and are pushing them at all costs and at every corner be outed and hopefully held accountable somehow. Maybe if the ingredients unknown were to be found out a different code to undo these DNA changes could be implemented or death could be prolonged or at least information being given so people have time to repent and prepare and spend quality as opposed to quantity time in what remains. I believe we must be born again in the spirit and repent with true hearts before we can be saved from despair and from being claimed by Satan. I believe Satan’s army is using this to trick us into dying before being able to really do that so we won’t be able to be with our Father God in His presence after life. If anyone knows of any research labs or reporters or anyone trying to get to the bottom of this and letting the world know PLEASE get ahold of me because I am trying to do just that. If any legal experts are interested in using me for legal action I would also be very grateful and willing to do whatever I could possibly do because people DO NOT know this is actually real.

SARAHRMCGARY@GMAIL.COM or on my account here for contact

Thank you for giving me the time of day to even see my video and hear my thoughts

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