VRANE (CROWS) - detektori zaraze etera

1 year ago

VRANE (CROWS) - ZARAZE U GRADOVIMA – Detektori raspadanja etera Vrane su lešinarke I pojavljuju se na mjestima gdje je povećana razina raspadajućeg(mrtvog)etera.Tumačenje:Zrak koji udišemo (kisik 21%,dušik 78%)nalazi se na fizičkoj razini,a eter je prva viša razina i nalazi se u atmosferi oko nas.Pojava bolesti u živom organizmu ovisi o stanju(deformaciji) etera i o imunitetu etera u fizičkom organizmu.USPOREDBA:Ako pogledate životinjsku farmu vidimo da ljudi hrane stoku radi svoje hrane.Životinje ne znaju zašto ih uzgajaju i hrane jer nemaju razum već samo primarne instinkte.Kao što mi hranimo,razmnožavamo i koljemo životinje zbog hrane,slično čine viša bića(bogovi)sa nama.Gradovi su kao velike farme gdje ljudi proizvode hranu za druge svjetove ali i otpad.Životinja izbaci svoj izmet ali ne zna da to netko treba očistiti.Isto tako ljudi preko govora,mišljenja,osjećaja proizvode duhovni (eterski)otpad koji netko mora očistiti.Po gradovima postoje tisuće kafića,zabavnih trgovačkih ili poslovnih centara gdje ljudi govore o zaradi,politici,sportu i obezvrijeđuju govor.Izgovorena riječ ima stvaralačku formu tj.vibracije materijalističkih pojmova stvaraju oblike u eteru.Zbog viška otpadnog etera u prostoru oko nas zrak koji udišemo postaje zaražen jer ga nema tko očistiti.Proces možete usporediti sa pokvarenom hranom ili govnom koje privlači muhe i insekte.Kao što životinja u staji ne zna očistiti izmet tako ni zaostala bića ne mogu čistiti za ljudima.Jedan dio otpadnog etera nahraniti će zaostala bića (demoni)koji preko virusa ,bakterija i zaraznih mikroorganizama borave u ljudskim (i drugim)tijelima čekajući na okidač za napad.Viši svijet (bog)stalno upozorava(potresi,poplave,požari)na oštećenja i uništavanje elementarnog (eterskog)svijeta ali nema interesa da stalno čisti za one koji samo hrane zaostali svijet.CROWS - INFECTIONS IN CITIES - Decomposition and death detectors Crows are vultures and appear in places where the level of decaying (dead) ether is increased. Interpretation: The air we breathe (oxygen 21%, nitrogen 78%) is on the physical level , and ether is the first higher level and is located in the atmosphere around us. The occurrence of disease in a living organism depends on the state (deformation) of ether and the immunity of ether in the physical organism. COMPARISON: they do not know why they are raised and fed because they have no reason but only primary instincts. Just as we feed, breed and slaughter animals for food, so do higher beings (gods) with us. Cities are like big farms where people produce food for other worlds but and waste. The animal throws out its feces but does not know that someone needs to clean it. Also, people through speech, opinion, feelings produce spiritual (etheric) waste that someone must clean. There are thousands of cafes, entertainment, shopping or business centers where people talk about earnings, politics, sports and devalue speech. The spoken word has a creative form, ie vibrations of materialistic concepts create forms in the ether. which we breathe becomes infected because there is no one to clean it. You can compare the process to rotten food or shit that attracts flies and insects. beings (demons) that through viruses, bacteria and infectious microorganisms reside in human (and other) bodies waiting for the trigger to attack.
The higher world (god) constantly warns (earthquakes, floods, fires) of damage and destruction of the elemental (etheric) world but has no interest in constantly cleansing for those who only feed the backward world.

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