Easy OBS Transparent Rumble Chat ||||| #RumbleTakeOver

1 year ago

While we hold out for more sophisticated chat features, here's an easy way to represent your Rumble chat on your stream. Chat will always be on screen using this method.

There are fancier HTML methods (or so I've heard). This isn't about that method. If anyone has tips, please post a comment below!

Here's the script for this video:

"for a Basic transparent chat

open your livechat window in your browser

then add a source / window capture of your rumble chat or window.

Using the nodes in OBS you can:

click and drag to resize with a locked ratio

Shift click to stretch


Alt click to crop the capture.

when you get it how you like it,

add a filter.

you want the
Color Key

Under the first option "Key Color Type"

Select custom color from the drop down menu

on the top left you'll see "Pick screen color" under all the color swatches.

Now use your mouse to click the background color of your chat window in the browser (or the background color of the chat as it appears in the OBS window).

Make sure to click OK.

Now you've got your basic transparent chat window."

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