Out with capitalism, in with socialism. America’s future is in American cities.

1 year ago

What moves in when you ask Christianity to take a hike, the police to take a hike, and businesses to take a hike?

I’ll give you a hint: It’s not Utopia. But it is something that you’re not going to believe!

We’ll examine how America’s future is found in her cities and ask ourselves, are we seeing capitalism moving out and socialism moving in?

It’s Tax Day in America. As you pay them, ask yourself, “What are you actually paying for?”

Do we need a social revolution?

And, we talk about Mr. Beast’s sidekick Chris, who has now privatized his former tweets as he seeks social absolution through the transgender cult. But what might really be behind transgenderism ideology?

There is hope!

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Start [0:00]
▶ Should Christians pay taxes? [1:25]
▶ Out with Capitalism and in with Socialism [3:05]
▶ How is America’s future found in America’s cities? [4:30]
▶ Why are big box stores closing around the Country? [5:15]
▶ Is socialism good? [8:00]
▶ What is behind the violence in Chicago? [8:20]
▶ What happens when you defund the police? [9:10]
▶ What is Mayor Johnson’s response to the riots? [9:52]
▶ Proof of does socialism work? [13:35]
▶ Is the Bible pro-socialism? [17:30]
▶ Do we need to deconstruct society? [22:35]
▶ Who is to blame for society’s problems? [22:57]
▶ The violence against churches in the US [28:20]
▶ What happens when Christianity is removed from society? [29:40]
▶ Minneapolis first US city to have Muslim call to prayer [30:02]
▶ Pastor discusses is Chris of Mr. Beast transition real? [34:40]
▶ Pastor discusses what might be behind transgenderism ideology [35:58]
▶ What is loli porn manga or anime? [38:40]
▶ What is the link between pornography and transgenderism? [42:30]
▶ A pastor’s message of hope to transgender people [45:33]
▶ How do you find wholeness? [46:58]
▶ What do all humans have in common? [47:47]
▶ Chandler Hallow of Mr. Beast baptized [51:08]
▶ What parents need to know about Washington bill SB5599 to remove children from non-affirming homes [51:50]
▶ Steve Harvey Kids Say the Darndest Things [54:50]

✳️ More Notes, References, and Stories can be found under this Episode on https://timhatchlive.com/


Walmart shuts down stores in Chicago, lists all the big box shops - from Macy's to Target - closed due to millions in losses from rampant theft https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11965589/The-stores-closed-doors-rampant-theft.html

Teens attack woman in Chicago

63 churches attacked in the first 3 months of 2023

FBI Plants Informants in Houses of Worship

Church Attacks Rise, Biden DOJ Seeks No Jail Time http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2023/april/as-church-attacks-rise-biden-doj-seeks-no-jail-time-for-trans-vandal-who-attacked-church-worker

Minneapolis becomes first major American city to allow broadcast of five Muslim calls to prayer https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11974709/Minneapolis-major-American-city-allow-broadcast-five-Muslim-calls-prayer.html

Chris Tyson From Mr.Beast Is Being Canceled For All His Past Remarks Towards Trans, Gays, African Americans https://www.prosportsextra.com/chris-tyson-from-mr-beast-is-being-canceled-for-all-his-past-remarks-towards-trans-gays-african-americans-and-many-others-after-he-comes-out-as-trans-and-is-threatening-to-sue-people

Mr. Beast Sidekick’s Social Media History Under Scrutiny Following Gender Transition

Is loli illegal in the United States? https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/is-loli-illegal-in-the-united-states

WA Allowing Children to Be Hidden from Parents Who Don’t Consent to Gender Transition Surgeries https://theamericantribune.com/washington-passes-bill-allowing-whereabout-of-children-to-be-hidden-from-parents-who-dont-consent-to-gender-transition-surgeries

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