over 9000 people hearing voices & feel things in their heads self identify as targeted individuals?

1 year ago

hearing .2GHz -3GHz radar signals was first reported when
working in the vicinity of World War II radar transponders

1953 Soviet electronic jamming & passive eavesdropping of U.S. embassy by bombarded them with microwaves, the Moscow Signal incident, & DARPA researched biological behavioral effects of microwave radiation & effects of occupational radiation exposure Project Pandora had no audio affects or mind control claims Russian jamming & passive eavesdropping is not a citation

a 2" square of metal fly screen shield over a temple cuts off RF induced sound completely said 1961 ALLAN H. FREY in a 4 page General Electric Advanced Electronics Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York microwave auditory hearing effect paper "Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy." 50 Hz bursts of 10–70 microsecond pulse width peak power densities vs using carrier frequencies of; 80 mW/cm2 @ 1.245 GHz or .4 mw/cm2 @ 1.31 Ghz or 275 mw/cm2 @ .425 Ghz, 5W/cm² 2.9GHz, from a distance of half a foot to half a mile in an ambient noise environment of 80 db. were required to induce acoustic noise perception even in deaf humans. but ruled out electromagnetic energy sensory locations peripheral to the cochlea

1996 - 2002 fee related expired Air Force Research Laboratory double side
band 7cm spherical de modulator radiator patent US6470214B1 failed to work

2007/01/14 Washington Post. "Mind Games" by Sharon Weinberger, ,
Project Soul Catcher 2010 How to Tame a Demon 2014 Robert Duncan
& misquote editing of CIA's John Brennan in 2016 are all non citations

over 9000 people hearing voices in their heads & feel things self-identify as targeted individuals by governments tech people with paranoid symptoms who have hit upon an explanation of what is happening to them as gang-stalking government harassment, God, dead relatives aliens etc in extensive online mind control "fear support network" as group think or cognitive therapy & most will state it all as a fact without any proof or debate on the subject

as something kept secret for many decades the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy theories & conspiracy theorists

https://archive.ph/uNcOX wp 2007 Mind Game
https://archive.ph/szy9H 2016/06/29 CFR John Brennan
https://archive.ph/kTEJQ 1961 ALLAN H. FREY
https://patents.google.com/patent/US6470214B1/en USAF

https://archive.ph/oFeFp UN human rights Patent links Targeted Individuals claimed as Directed Energy Weapons


= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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