High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were The Days | Saturday, November 10th 1979

1 year ago

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AFRS STORY (1-1-53) The Armed Forces
Radio Service (AFRS) pats itself on the back in
this documentary telling the history of the
unique broadcast service for military audiences.
“The Network That Covered The World”
offered 63 hours of programming each week to
67 AFRS radio stations around the globe.
(13:00; 16:30)

Hostess Bette Davis introduces Marilyn Maxwell,
Jimmy Durante, Artie Shaw and Jose Iturbi.
AFRS. (11:45; 9:25; 9:00)

G. |. JIVE (1944) America’s sweetheart G. |

Jill spins records for the troops. Music by
Bob Crosby, Will Bradley, Glenn Miller, Gene
Krupa. AFRS. (14:00)

MAIL CALL (1940s) Groucho Marx stars with
Katharine Grayson, Kenny Baker, the Les Paul
Trio in this variety show. Announcer is Ben
Alexander. Groucho sings ‘’Lydia, the Tattooed
Lady.” AFRS (12:10; 10:30; 6:00)

JUBILEE (9-18-44) Ernie “‘Bubbles’’ Whitman
emcees a showcase for black talent including
Jimmy Rushing, Thelma Carpenter, Butterfly
McQueen, Art Tatum and Count Basie and the
Orchestra. Guests are the King Sisters. AFRS.
(10:18; 12:50; 8:15)

G. 1. JOURNAL (1944) Bob Hope is “‘Editor-
in-Chief” of this radio magazine for the boys in
the service. ‘‘Reporters and writers’’ include
Jerry Colonna, Glenn Miller, Betty Grable, Mel

Blanc, Ray McKinley and Arthur Q. Brian.
(AFRS) (8:95: 8:20: 11-4k)

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