23LHDVD04-4 - Jean and Kernaa Williams

1 year ago

23LHDVD04-4 - Jean Williams - Breaking the Spoiler Spirit - Kernaa Williams - Carriers of God's Presence -Spoilers are spiritual entities with physical manifestations, a person or a thing that causes spoilage or corruption. It brings widespread destruction but God has given us the tools to be free. We need to know what type of battle we are fighting, we need to know who we are fighting and we need to know how strong our enemy is and how strong the spoiler is that is working against us. Ephesian 6:10-20 … we wrestle not against flesh and blood… Take the whole armor of God…having done all to stand…stand! The enemy wants to take your future. There is an internal spoiler and an external spoiler, listen to learn more and be ready to fight. ** We should seek to have His presence in everything we do. But it’s not going to be without a price. Samson is not going to be able to sleep in the bed with Delilah and maintain God’s presence. When you carry God’s presence your pride will be crushed and humility will birth forth. God won’t be chasing you, you’ll be chasing Him! As a carrier of His presence there should be no fear in your life. Scriptures are shared showcasing various manifestations of His presence to mankind, i.e. a cloud, thick cloud, a cloud of darkness, light, and more. The Scriptures do not contradict themselves. Ministry for healing and deliverance conclude these two wonderful messages.

Kernaa and Jean Williams website:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Kernaa & Jean Williams -

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