"Noahide Teshuvah: Repentence," 1God7Laws": Torah Study with Rabbi Shlomo Nachman and Friends

6 years ago

8 - 9:30 PM Eastern: 1God7Laws
Noahide Teshuvah

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With Rabbi Shlomo, Donald Willinger, and other Facebook and YouTube friends

Why Do We Assist "Noahides?

"Noahides" are non-Jews who voluntarily choose to embrace the Torah as prescribed by the teachings of Moshe Rabeinu, the Rambam, and our other Jewish sages. Torah is very clear that Jews are to be the "nation of priests" (Exodus 19:6). The Noahides are our G-d decreed "laity."

Likewise: "And He [HaShem] said, "It is too light for you to be My servant, to establish the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the besieged of Israel, but I will make you a light of nations, so that My salvation shall be until the end of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6).

And as the late Lubavitch Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson explained in 1987:

"Influencing non-Jews to keep their mitzvos, the Seven Noahide Laws… will assist our task of making the world into a dwelling place for God, and help bring about the arrival of Messiah."
For those who judge me harshly for assisting the Noahidim, here is my support for this important work. For those of you who wish to walk the Noahide Way, you have friends here at LearnEmunah.com!

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