Jay Parker ~ SRA Survivor ITNJ Seating

1 year ago

The International Tribunal For Natural Justice is an organization made for the people by the people. During the Judicial Commission Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse, experiencer and survivor Jay Parker comes forward as an expert witness.

Jay Parker has a wealth of information and has devoted himself to education of himself and others in order to heal from his experiences. Overall he has a positive message for others, coming our of his situation.

In Mark Passio's words "We are doing these things to ourselves through ignorance of the truth, though ignorance of understanding where we are, what we are capable of and what we have to do change this outcome."

You can find more of Jay Parker's material on his radio shows

Matrix Warriors
The Center Path

Mark Passio is also an Ex Satanist Pastor who has turned a new leaf and has turned out to have a lot of important information on his podcast. His website is.


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