"Walk With The King" Program, From the "Abide" Series, titled "Abiding In His Word"

1 year ago

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"Walk With The King" Program, Practical & Encouraging Messages From The Ministry of Dr. Robert A. Cook.
From the "Abide" Series, titled: "Abiding In His Word" (Broadcast #6737)
Scripture References: 1 Timothy 4:16

Learn about Dr. Cook's ministry at https://www.walkwiththeking.org/


Alright, thank you very much. And hello again, radio friends. How in the world are you? Yes, I wait for you to answer, of course I do. Like to know how you are. The first law of getting along with anybody is to find out what he or she is interested in and then plug into that. Remember that the next time you have a conversation with someone. Ask yourself the question, “What does this person want or need? And in what is he or she interested?” You start on that basis, and you’ll find that people appreciate you and think that you’re really alright. The reason being that every one of us wants to know that somebody cares how we feel. Well, threw that in free. This is your good friend Dr. Cook, and I’m glad to be back with you once again.

We’re looking at the wind up of 1 Timothy 4, “Take heed,” says Paul, “unto thyself and unto the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee.” Your first responsibility is to be right and keep right with your Lord. There used to be an old Sunday School song that has gone out of vogue, I haven’t heard it sung in a long, long time, “If your heart keeps right.” “If your heart keeps right, there’s a song of gladness in the darkest night. If your heart keeps right. If your heart keeps right.” Something about every day’d be full of sunshine if your heart keeps right. Old song. Remember it? Any of you old timers? Well, he says, “Take heed to thyself.” It’s a personal responsibility to stay right with the Lord. You don’t drift into holiness. If you start to drift, beloved, it’s always away from God.

The writer to the Hebrews says, “Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at anytime we let them slip.” And you look up the original meaning of those words, and it means drift away from them. Any time you let up and take it easy and start to drift, it’s always away from God. That’s why Paul said in an earlier verse here in 1 Timothy 4, “Exercise thyself rather unto Godliness.” You have to work at it. It is a conscious effort to make sure that you’re walking with your Lord every minute of every day. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.” “Can two walk together,” asks the ancient prophet, “except they be agreed?” So there’s the truth of it, “Take heed to thyself.” It’s up to me and up to you to make sure that our hearts are right with God.


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Isaiah 55:11:
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

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