If Divorcee Sam Seder were a city, he would be Boston

1 year ago

The relevant sources




Crime Index Offenses by Agency Type, Jurisdiction by Type, Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter (Boston) https://ma.beyond2020.com/ma_public/Dim/dimension.aspx

Shootings in Boston https://dashboard.boston.gov/t/Guest_Access_Enabled/views/BPDShootingsDashboard/ShootingsHeatMap?%3Adisplay_count=n&%3Aembed=y&%3AisGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y&%3Aorigin=viz_share_link&%3AshowAppBanner=false&%3AshowVizHome=n

Let us profile another Democrat-dominated city that has a rogue, George Soros prosecutor named Rachael Rollins & a bevy of black-on-black homicide – Boston.

According to the Massachusetts State Police, here are Boston’s number of murders 2016-2022: 49, 57, 56, 42, 58, 37 & 44. For aggravated assault, the same totals for 2016-2022: 2,910, 2,819, 2,818, 2,953, 3,251, 2,881 & 2,965.

Let us look at motor vehicle theft, which has spiked in a lot of Democrat-dominated cities (wait until I profile Philadelphia), this is another facet of the Democrat #INSURRECTION Motor Vehicle Thefts in Boston (this is MA state police data) 2016-2022: 1223, 1205, 1154, 986, 1293, 1164 & 1185.

The FBI has these totals for Boston murders 2015-2021: 38, 49, 57, 56, 42, 58 & 36. Pretty close to the state tally. The vast majority of murder offenders & murder victims in Boston are… Black. #blacklivesmatter

FBI data for aggravated assaults in Boston 2015-2021: 2873, 2910, 2819, 2818, 2944, 3193 & 2855. Same years for motor vehicle theft: 1279, 1223, 1205, 1154, 982, 1280 & 1154.

You can see massive surges during the Black Lives Matter/George Floyd protests in 2020, which cost a lot of people their lives, but it was part of the Regressive Democrat plan. In chess, the pawns go first & use those pawns to sow chaos in an effort to recreate America in their Marxist image.

Here are “shootings” in Boston from 2017-2022: 218, 174, 154, 233, 165, 143 & 25 so far in 2023, which is slightly ahead of last year’s pace. Again, we see a massive spike during the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter hissy fit, where Democrats attempted to defund the police & let criminals out of prison early so nobody could stop them when they riot in an attempt to intimidate America into voting the way they want.

“Vote the way we want or we’ll burn the place down.” Not in Iowa, you won’t. Not surprisingly in Boston, the vast majority of people who are shot are black & male. Boston is only 23.5% Black, according to the Census Bureau. More than four times as many Blacks were shot in Boston during that time frame than White folks.

Boston is no different from other Democrat-run cities struggling w/ fatherless children wreaking havoc. The main problem areas are Dorchester & Roxbury, no other neighborhood(s) is even close.

Now we get to the relic race trader, Rachael Rollins.

[Heritage Foundation Quote Begin] Have you ever wondered what it would be like to commit a crime, or maybe even multiple crimes, with no consequences? Wonder no more.

Even though Rollins wasn’t the first rogue district attorney backed by Soros (that dubious distinction goes to Kim Foxx of Chicago), she is still the grand dame of the rogue prosecutor movement when it comes to her nonprosecution practices.

As we wrote in the first major research paper on rogue prosecutors, when Rollins ran for district attorney in Boston, she hinted that she would refuse to prosecute entire categories of crimes. Once elected, Rollins published “The Rachael Rollins Policy Memo,” which lists 15 crimes “for which the default is to decline prosecuting.”

Despite the fact that those 15 crimes were passed by the state Legislature and signed into law by the governor, Rollins has unilaterally decreed that those 15 categories of crimes should either be “outright dismissed prior to arraignment” or, “where appropriate,” “diverted and treated as a civil infraction.”

A decision to prosecute someone for committing any of these crimes must be approved by a supervisor.

The “Rollins 15” are:

1) Trespassing

2) Shoplifting, including offenses that are essentially shoplifting, but charged as larceny

3) Larceny under $250.

4) Disorderly conduct.

5) Disturbing the peace.

6) Receiving stolen property.

7) Minor driving offenses, including operating with a suspended or revoked license.

8) Breaking and entering, where it is into a vacant property or is for the purpose of sleeping or seeking refuge from the cold and there is no actual damage to property.

9) Wanton or malicious destruction of property.

10) Threats (excluding domestic violence).

11) Minors in possession of alcohol.

12) Drug possession.

13) Drug possession with intent to distribute.

14) Resisting arrest where the only charge is resisting arrest.

15) Resisting arrest if the other charges include only charges that fall under the list of charges for which prosecution is declined.

In other words, in Boston, a violent career felon can break into your home, be in possession of cocaine, plan to distribute that cocaine to others, and resist arrest after you call the police, and all the charges will be “outright dismissed,” so long as the reason he broke into your house—and terrified your family—was because he wanted “to sleep” or was “seeking refuge” from the cold.” [Heritage Foundation Quote End]

If you do not believe me, see the Rollins Memo I linked to (many interwebs links to this memo have been taken down in an effort to keep this quiet, but it has been archived), Appendix D, page 65.

Just as California has facilitated a mob mentality & smash-and-grabs over their general refusal to prosecute petty larceny, if you are business owner in Boston, you may be subjected to several encounters with folks who will steal $225 worth of goods from your store & attempt to leave because if they get caught, there will likely be no consequences.

A mentally ill Democrat could be disturbing the peace in a drunken stupor & if he does not cooperate w/ the police, he will get arrested. Except, that case would likely not be prosecuted, which means there will be no repercussions for bad behavior, even if that person was a minor. Allowing that to slide will only lead to more crime.

Rollins has no problem declining prosecution of non-taxpayers who destroy public property, which those who actually do pay taxes will have to replace. This is one of the reasons places like Portland & New York City are becoming inhospitable. They are allowing petty or not so petty crimes go & it is snowballing.

You can receive stolen property & there will likely be no prosecution, which will not make a career criminal think twice about doing that over & over as there will be no consequences.

Again, this is part-and-parcel of the Democrat #INSURRECTION One of the facets is to defund the police or thin their ranks so they cannot pay attention to crimes that are not seriously violent. It also serves to keep police from doing proactive policing, so criminals in high crime neighborhoods are less likely to be caught as the police are nowhere to be found.

Another facet is to disarm (particularly Rural Americans) law-abiding citizens so they cannot defend themselves from BLM terrorists. Another prong of that is Kyle Rittenhouse. If a Kyle Rittenhouse tries to defend his community from domestic terrorists who want to burn it down, they try to put him in prison for murder.

Rollins is executing another facet of the Democrat #INSURRECTION allow petty & not so petty crime slide, which will lead to (it’s the “broken windows” policing policy) more crime.

They want you disarmed the next time BLM & Antifa riot; they want you put in jail if you defend yourself, they want the police defunded or effectively neutered & they want career criminals loose on the streets.

That my friends is what troglodytes like Rachael Rollins want. They want society destabilized, they want chaos, they want lawlessness. This is why people are leaving CA, NY, IL & MA. Vote w/ your feet my friends if you can & next November vote these Democrats who support these policies out of office.

http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/covid-increase-homicides http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/black-lives-do-not-matter

The divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport is afraid to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. https://tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php Methinks the divorcee lacks confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill

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