1 Video. Each Day. 365 Days Donations for Life Blocked bc of EXTREME Harassment. Bike Ticket Example

1 year ago

The bike ticket example goes back many years, making me wonder if slighter forms of gangstalking were beginning years ago (mid 90s) or even farther back. But it was in 2011 when my world 'exploded' per se and my life changed on a dime in a very dramatic and extreme way.
Other lead up events:
1. garage door rattled when babysitting a nephew at my mom's home
2. scary evening at neighbor of dad's house when hanging out with a step sister who was babysitting there.
3....there are more, but I wonder what the deal is with scaring me and or others and feeling set up. Wondering how premeditated and orchestrated some of these things were and would someone be knowingly part of some secret society or brotherhood that carries out such heinous acts. It's sort of like kicking the hornet's nest, where one doesn't belong, when I became a writer and maintained a blog called Generation ACD (Adult Children of Divorce) so many years ago ..2004 ish through 2011. Oops. Even though I never mentioned anyone's names in the blog, I'm wondering if the hornet's nest got upset and my family members were never part of the beehive, if you will.

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