Shoulder Pain Assessment (TOS and Shoulder Impingement)

1 year ago

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👉 Do you suffer from shoulder pain or discomfort? 🤔 One way to assess your shoulder health is by performing a shoulder raise test!

👉 Simply raise your arm in front of you as high as you can without pain. If you can hold it there for up to one minute, great!

👉 But if you experience pain, it could indicate a tight pec minor muscle, which may be causing thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS).

👉 And if you can't raise your arm all the way, you may have limited range of motion, common in cases of subacromial impingement (SI).

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Even though I am a professional this is still not medical advice. The content is intended to be educational only. If you are a patient, seek care from a health care professional.

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