Article Video - Alpha Draconii Claims - Monday, April 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Alpha Draconii Claims - Monday, April 17, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

It is most distressing that people associated with churches and religious institutions are not defending the known origins of Creation and are instead succumbing to false commercial claims and threats made by the alpha draconii.

This group is owed no credibility and has no actual power on this planet, but we must have the good sense to know our planetary history and rebuff these False Claims with fortitude..

The Dogon people of Mali have held the history intact for thousands of years and the actual information is also available in Northern India and Tibet concerning the Aryan colonization that took place in North Africa and India many, many millions years after the creation of the Earth.

The actual work of creation was done by the seraphim under the direction of the only Creator's Voice, and nobody and nothing else at all; the creation was done in a single moment, the same moment that we are in --- now --- and there is no other time.

All things related to the Creation were established in order and that includes the ownership of it.

Later colonization has no impact on the ownership interest thus established.

The people we know as Aryans were colonist-slaves of the alpha draconii who populated the Indus Valley in the period between recovery from the last Plasma War (32,000 years ago) and the Great Flood (11,600 years ago).

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