END TIMES #9: The Church & The Kingdom

1 year ago

The bible very clearly teaches that the Church, which is the body of believers, began at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit supernaturally manifested with power in Jerusalem. Over 3,000 people of different nations were converted to Christianity and the gospel was proclaimed throughout. Since then the fellowship of believers has grown throughout the world, but what does this important historical event tell us about the end times?

In this episode we will see how the Church (not a physical institution or denomination, but the fellowship of believers) is just another term for the kingdom of God. We will see how other terms like "body of Christ" or "the Lord's table" or "the temple" or several others are actually all synonymous and describe the same reality of communion with God and with each other.

But if this is the case, then the teaching that a future kingdom where Christ will rule on Earth for 1,000 years is highly suspect. Why is this so popular then? Are people being prepared for the greatest deception of all time? We will aim to find out in this week's episode.

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