Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy Chat with Miles Johnston - Banned

1 year ago

Andrew Bridgen, with Kerry Cassidy, (in London, fresh from her return from Egypt) is briefly included at the start of this happy slightly comedial BANNED Chat with Miles Johnston and Kerry Cassidy.
Once again YouTube bans another chat between Kerry and Miles. Talk about Liz Truss, former prime minister, and how important it is for Irish across the globe to wake up. Truss was deposed in a coup de-tat, in so an English manner, quietly. Her article in The Daily telegraph, and the Light Newspaper tells all.
Features mention of BASES2023 UFO Special, held on May 20th 2023, tickets at Eventbrite.

This was BANNED by YouTube about 6 hrs after upload to The Bases Project Censored site. It is available on Project Camelot, where it was originally live streamed to, on Facebook

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