Climate change series - Introduction, Uniting to fight commonalities we can all agree on

5 years ago

WARNING - this video is meant to inspire CHANGE AND ACTION. Some scenes depicted may cause anxiety, or be otherwise disturbing. My intention and hope is to leave the watcher feeling equal parts upset and empowered, because we know how to fix this. We have the solutions.

My goal is to change the narrative surrounding Climate Change from one of division to one of unity. From opposites "factions" yelling at eachother, lobbing insults from the fortress ramparts we have constructed on this topic - distractedly nitpicking minor details - and instead we can move towards unification by focusing the discussion on the things we can all agree on.

To do this, we must listen to eachother. We must value eachother and our opinions. We must value and hold the standard of true and honest science. And mostly we must seek to find; and work towards, a common goal. We don't need to agree on the motivation why we choose to take action - as long as we all agree on where that action takes us. We can all agree and unify behind the benefit of humans living sustainably on a fertile and healthy planet.

To get there, we must fight against the disconnection from nature which the past 200 years has created. We must re-integrate ourselves into nature, and work towards that on a daily basis. Because when ecosystems somewhere else are destroyed, we are complacent. But when the river that feeds the soils that feeds our children are damaged, we fight to the death.

And now is the time for fighting to the death. Not only because we need nature more than it needs us, but because we ARE nature.

Sources and credits -

Internet sources:
Stanford University,
Time Magazine,
Scientific American,
Dr. Elaine Ingham,

One Straw Revolution, Masanobu Fukuoka, Larry Korn, et al
Permaculture One / Permaculture Designers Manual - Bill Mollison
Mycelium Running - Dr Paul Stamets
Healing Earth An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship - Dr John Todd
Grow Your Soil - Diane Miessler and Elaine R. Ingham
The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook: How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems - Douglas Barnes
Stormwater Management for Land Development: Methods and Calculations for Quantity Control - Thomas A. Seybert
Gaia's garden - Toby Hemenway
Folks This Ain't Normal - Joel Salatin
Restoration Agriculture - Mark Shepard
Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front - Joel Salatin
The Market Gardener - JM. Fortier


Youtube Channels:
Nasa Climate Change
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Forestry Service
Plant Abundance
The 4th Monkey
Gurvir S Bahra

Shoutouts (content not used, but these guys rock):
Edible Acres
Happen Films
Geoff Lawton

Music credits:

Sing Along by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The Impossible by Savfk |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Catch all:
All attempts at providing copyright has been made, including Fair Use Copyright Law, Public Funded corporations copyright free libraries (NASA etc), Free to use video clips and music by

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