17Apr23 Former Intel Official: Leak Was a Setup; GOP Candidates at NRA; Riots & Reparations

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

"Most pro-gun President ever" tells the NRA meeting that Biden's pistil brace prohibition is bad but doesn't mention his bump stock prohibition that set the precedent 3:24
The 10 stages of genocide.  How many did Trump take us through in 2020? 11:09
Trump hallucinates about HIS Afghanistan withdrawal.  "Not a screw left behind" says the screwball 14:03
What did the other candidates for President say at the NRA convention? 22:13 
Kristi Noem talks about her 2 YEAR OLD granddaughter's shotgun & rifle.  What? 29:44
The government shouldn’t be in the business of educating children any more than the government should be of running churches. 46:31

The effects of pornography on our society. UK has a TV show where adult men strip naked in front of children.  Dennis Prager defends pornography as an alternative to adultery.  Here's how he's wrong, VERY wrong. 57:51

Don Trump Jr tells people to lay off Bud Light — they give money to Trump! 1:15:52
Study says new American study shows that people are prejudiced against men and not against women. 1:21:26

Ex-pentagon chief of staff and former federal prosecutor says SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG with the "leak" narrative 1:26:43

MAGA Pac puddin-heads attack DeSantis over how he allegedly ate pudding.  How INFANTILE will the Trumpers get? 1:49:54

Over 32,000 babies lives have been saved after Roe v Wade was overturned Sadly 60+ MILLION killed b/c no state had the backbone to follow the 10th Amendment until SCOTUS said they could 1:55:24

Chuck Todd asked if laws prohibiting abortion pills was defying FDA "authority".  Here's what Senator Cassidy said 2:02:12

mRNA in meat & dairy, WHO power grab, Russia says USA working on universal genetically engineered bio-weapon (already have it) 2:08:21
Elon Musk's "RNA micro-factories" to revolutionize vaccine manufacturing.  It's software, he says, to reprogram our bodies 2:14:11
"Pinwheel Friel" who famously said as vax mandates were rolling out said if government says wear pinwheels on your head, Christians must obey.  Now he's speaking at homeschool conferences.  What if government says you can't homeschool? 2:21:57

New York City was the global pandemic epicenter we were told. Remember the mass graves in Central Park?  Were they ever memorialized? Were they ever real? 2:33:21
Those church leaders who fought against religious liberty and liberty of conscience on vaccines JUST BEFORE the plandemic… 2:39:20

Anti-vax radio host gaslighted — to death 2:45:51

Reparations: Preparation for Civil War Entitlement, vengeance, hatred — look at the products of our schools — in Chicago 2:53:55

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