Reptilians are the highest caste of demons! Some underwater species show signs of gill removal!

1 year ago

The ultimate goal of the policy of genocide of the power of the Masons is to reign over the Antichrist (the New World Order according to Schwab) and present him as a savior from the crisis they themselves arranged and to settle all those who accepted 666 demons for war with God.
Acceptance of 666 is about making a massive pact with the devil, because those who accept 666 will no longer have a chance to repent!
The chip is needed to control consciousness and behavior, since the settled ones will not be able to control themselves!
Graphene in covid vaccines creates a parallel nervous system to control via 5G!
The arrival of the lawless (Antichrist) is the work of Satan. He will act, showing various powers,
false signs and wonders, and committing all kinds of malicious deceptions,
which people who are perishing because they did not want to love the truth (Christ) and receive salvation through it will easily succumb.
Therefore, God sends such people the action of delusion, so that they believe the lie, so that those who do not believe the truth (Gospel)
and approve of the untruth would be condemned.
The promotion of LGBT and other abominations has a deeply spiritual basis,
i.e. world Satanists know the spiritual laws!
If people voluntarily agree with the policy of sin, then this gives the demons the right to access people.
God burned Sodom and Gomorrah because there were no righteous people there!
Already the ax lies at the root of the trees: every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
(Mat. 3:10)!There is also a covenant (contract) with Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3-21).
The contract is concluded after repentance, i.e. leaving the sinful way of life and thinking through the act of baptism.
Baptism is a promise to God to serve with a good conscience, that is, to live according to the commandments of the New Testament.
These are the terms of the contract.
1. A person promises and tries to live according to the commandments of Christ every day and in every particular situation.
2. God delivers from the power of the devil and the action of the law of damnation (damage, the crown of celibacy, birth curses).
3. A person is not judged for sins and does not come to the judgment of God,
but comes to receive a reward in accordance with the quantity and quality of good deeds from the point of view of Christ.
God gives the gift of eternal life in his kingdom.
As a pledge that God will give this life, God gives the Holy Spirit, which performs the functions of a healer and teacher (Eph. ch. 1, v. 13-14).
sins himself. And since people cannot pay, then sinners will have to share the same fate with Satan and his angels in the lake of fire,
tormented forever. (Rev. 14, article 11). I concluded in the church ECB (Baptists)!
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