Under the Lens - Abortion Providers pat themselves on back and celebrate exclusion zones...

1 year ago

Under the Lens is a brand new video series from SPUC. It sees Catherine reacting to the latest gaffs from the abortion industry and their many loyal supporters. You can guarantee that no fake news will fall through Catherine's net!

Here Catherine responds to a recent video from @bpas1968 which sees some of their staff congratulate themselves on 'Abortion Provider Appreciation Day' (who knew that was a thing?), and celebrate the news that exclusion zones are soon to be a reality in the UK (and national embarrassment!).

For links to the SPUC website, socials and more, click here: https://www.linktr.ee/SPUC

#abortion #prolife #prolifegeneration #uk #unitedkingdom #scotland #wales #northernireland #bufferzone #bufferzones #freespeech #prolifemovement #unbornbaby #mothers #abortionrights #bodilyautonomy #mybodymychoice #prolifefeminism #prolifefeminist #feminism #politics

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