Two Types of Specifications - TL15 💎 #shorts #TauLanguage #specifications

1 year ago

Question: Digital governance systems often require precise specifications due to the nature of software. But a General Motor vs. Japanese carmakers case study suggests this is counterproductive. The case study suggests Japanese car makers are more successful. These manufacturers want the part to fit the car where Ford wants the part to fit the blue print.” Is there an approach that embraces the relational contract model when collaboratively writing code? When you are writing code, you have to be precise about how you specify something and it is hard to create a relationship-focused approach. Does Tau approach digital governance in a way that embraces this relational contract model?
As a further example, we design interfaces to be stable. When building an API where people depend on it, you don’t want to cause breakages. Is there a way of building flexibility and change into an API while maintaining stability and reliability?

Answer: Specification can be taken in two ways, one way which is not the way we speak about, and you could say that any program is also specification after all it specifies itself but then it’s meaningless to ask where two programs agree on. Another kind of specification which is what we deal with is to just say something about program, not necessarily everything but to say something and by that you implicitly all possible programs that admits this requirement. For the second part about breaking the API, that’s why we need the laws of changing the laws. Any future update, any future version of the software is rejected if it does not satisfy certain requirements. That’s how we address this front and we put allot of effort into precisely this.

#digitalgovernance #relationalcontract #APIstability #softwarespecification #flexibilityinAPIs #lawsofchange #collaborativewriting #programrequirements

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