Bible Mysteries Podcast Counter Move Interview with L A Marzulli

1 year ago

Show Notes: Episode 133: Counter Move - Interview with L.A. Marzulli

Once again, we are honored to interview the intrepid L. A. Marzulli! L.A. is an award-winning author, lecturer, and filmmaker who has penned 13 books, including The Nephilim Trilogy, which made the CBA best sellers list, and Counter Move: How the Nephilim Returned After the Flood, which we will discuss today.

L.A. Marzulli is a frank super-naturalist who lectures on the subjects of UFOs, the Nephilim, and ancient prophetic texts, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, and through media appearances and interviews on numerous national and international radio and television programs.

    1.    You make a great analogy out of the disclosure/revealing of UFOs by the US Government to rungs on a ladder. Where are we on the ladder at this point?

    2.    Do you believe or have evidence that a covenant was made between the so-called Grays and Pres. Eisenhower to allow abductions of US citizens in exchange for advanced technology?

    3.    What, in your opinion, is the purpose of the alleged alien/hybrid breeding program?

    4.    You recently showed photos of what appears to be an actual “Nordic” or fallen angel on a trail cam. It also looks as if an orb or some kind of portal opened seconds before it appeared. What is your take on why this entity allowed itself to be seen?

    5.    Recent discussion by a Pentagon official indicates there is a “mothership” sending smaller crafts to the earth. What is your take on the deflection/psy-ops that might be going on here?

    6.    Many of us, including myself, believe there is a direct correlation between the Nephilim and genetic corruption of Genesis 6 to what is going on today in the alien abduction phenomenon. Do you think today’s “Nephilim” are present, active and perhaps not of gigantic size as they were in the past?

    7.    In Counter Move, you explain your theory for how the Nephilim reappeared after the flood of Noah. You take a different position than some on this. Can you briefly summarize your position on this?

    8.    Also in Counter Move you provide information that the wives that were taken by the Sons of God in Genesis 6 were not by agreement, but may have been forcefully taken or raped. If we compare Gen. 2:24, (Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.) Dan. 2:43, (they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another) and Matt. 24:38, (For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage) there appears to be an agreement or contract of some kind involved in the exchange. Do you think there were no such arrangements and this was all by force only?

    9.    Do you believe there are Deep Underground Military Bases operating where human Dark Budget military personnel cooperate with fallen entities and demons?

    10.    Do you have any idea or guess as to when this is all coming to a head?

The world is seeing a proliferation of demonic activity today, indicating we are very close to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as the Dragon used Nephilim hybrids to disrupt God’s prophetic program, L.A. reveals a final incursion of Nephilim is not only coming but is already here!

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