1 year ago

A few years ago, following the George Floyd riots, I put this little clip together to show the hypocrisy of the media.

Please ask yourselves, How many ways can a machine of talking heads AKA “the media” continue to
RECYCLE, REWORD, & REBRAND the same thing over & over, without it being painfully obvious that it’s all coming from the same dogma/doctrine?
How many times can the same regurgitated talking points be collectively spun, until deception becomes obvious? 🤔

UNBIASED Journalism doesn’t exist in ‘mainstream’ media. It’s heavily scripted/controlled/moderated for the purposes of driving political narratives, shaping public perceptions, etc...
When the masses begin questioning the narrative, The ‘puppets’ in MSM (anchors, journalists, celebrities) are then instructed by their handlers to redirect public focus..flood echo-chambers, &
use diversion tactics like:
projection, gas-lighting, & triangulation...
in order to deceive & distract?
When the truth is under a spotlight, MSM will stop at nothing to guide our focus elsewhere-(Look here↩️ not there🚫)
*Control narrative=thought control=people control*
They are Spewing constant lies with no pressure from us demanding accountability, yet Americans blindly follow because...?
What happened to heavy vetting, fact-checking, playing devils advocate, searching for proof beyond hearsay? Many of us say we don’t trust ‘the establishment’, yet we attack each other based on what we’ve been told by the establishment.
To what extent have these doctrines been invading our subconscious? Enough to replace our moral compass? Change the fabric of who we are? How we see others? What to think? How to live? Who to love? How to feel?
Research the origins of propaganda how it aides in mind control, how it’s used in media & popular culture, focusing on how the Cℹ️A uses them, & why?
They use propaganda in hopes to divide us, classify us, control us, mentally, psychologically, & spirituality.
They project anger, fear, & confusion into our subconscious minds. Should we reject their ever-changing principals, they encourage others to attack us, & silence us by calling on the herd to humiliate us. They encourage chaos, mayhem, violence, fear, & confusion...feeding destruction, all based on deception. We have been psychologically conditioned to ignore facts, fly off emotion, & roll with the punches without asking questions,..they pit us against each other, because divided we are weaker & easier to control. By Blindly Trusting them we are co-signing our own enslavement, by relinquishing our rights, becoming fully dependent on them, & to eventually be herded like sheep to slaughter. They want to keep us vulnerable so that we become moldable & suggestible..their brainwashing techniques & mind control methods are everywhere, in each fabric & Layer of our society.. From Indoctrination in the school system (altering/emitting historical facts over time), predictive programming used in movies to condition us for what’s to come, using things like back-masking in music, putting subliminal messages in advertisements, cartoons, magazines, music, & tv... Using Satanic symbolism & imagery in everything from commercials to children’s clothes. They are Constantly Promoting, glamorizing, & trying to normalize things like blasphemy, promiscuity, racial idolatry, Sexual deviancy, Murder, drugs, rebellion, witchcraft, greed, etc.. think about it. This is not just about political ideologies...(the ones who run the ‘system’, have the most power—whether obtained from bloodline, blackmail, blood-oaths, blood money, birth-right, or brotherhood, They all have the same agenda & follow the same master & They’ve made it clear who their master is 👹😈 🐍🐉🐲🦉🐐👺

In Dr. Martin Luther King's speech at SMU on March 17, 1966, he said “We will not seek to substitute one tyranny for another, thereby subverting justice. We will not seek to rise from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage. This is why I say that a doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men, but God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race and the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers.”

I do not have pride, nor shame in my race, nor should anyone. It is irrelevant in the end. Racism is man made. Regardless of how cliche it may sound, it’s a “sin problem” not a “skin problem.” Every individual regardless of race is capable of evil. Disrespecting skin color of others is disrespectful to God, our father, the creator of us all, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Our skin is his canvas as he formed us from the dust of the earth and breathed his life into us.

1 Peter 4:8:
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

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