How to unban your modded Xbox 360 RGH/Jtag (NEW 2023)

1 year ago

Just a quick tutorial showing everyone how to unban your Xbox 360 RGH Xbox 360. I will be quickly going over what causes a ban and how to get out of one if it happens to you (which it will).

This tutorial will cover:
-What is a KV
-How to get unshared KV's
-Ways to Copy KV to the Console
-Why its not possible to never get banned

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact me!

If you're interested in pre-modded consoles, you can reach out to me through my group at the link below. I have 1000s of reviews and can provide you with a professionally restored and fully setup plug-and-play system.

Link to the group:

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