Gangs of America, Streets of America-Gangstalking & Cyber War

1 year ago

THIS IS A WHISTLE BLOWING PODCAST EXPOSING THE SECET SOCIETY THAT IS COMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, CRIMES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT , AND EVERYONE WORLDWIDE. Te;ecpmmunications have all been haceked, digital communications, tv, satelite, internet super highway, well this group has created their own private super highway allowingthem into all systems everywhere , al that is needded is an electrical connection or a electrical field. (EMF broadcasts, RNM Remote Neural Monitoring)

Calling out gang stalking & terrorist activities happening not only to me but 10k+ worldwide.

Targeted Individuals have already undergone “Havana Syndrome”.This secret society "secret government" has to end immediately.Able to broadcast their EMF broadcast email from life streams remote neural monitoring subliminal messaging etc.

Please help ALL MANKIND #AllLivesMatter by getting the US Government involved immediately in these #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes

#cybersecurity #cybercrime #databreach #fbi
#revolution #personofinterest

Targeted individuals #remoteNeuralMonitoring #WarCrimes #sightillogicalsoundillogicalwarfare #CrimeoftheCentury #humandroneprogram # New World Order #prostitution #Covid #iamone #boeing # slavery #phoenixMedia #cyberwar #psywar #secretGovernment #MK-ultra #monica #MiTM #mindcontrol # secret Society #gaymafiaterroristcell # telco Fraud #justinGoines #RICO #warcrimes

The illegal activities that you hear about during this podcast are real and are occurring. MKultra provides (along with other hacked into system) this home grown terrorist cell way too much information.
*remote neuro link
*emf broadcasting VR
*yes the kidnappings are real
*yes I have tried to report-actually the US District attorneys office was informed about some of them ahead of time.
*yes this is a premeditated organized crime ring with all planned out ahead of time and worked over and over again throughout the world.
*yes they have kidnapped people from prisons, lied and impersonated law enforcement, attorneys, judges, etc.
**always know what’s going on never. Know when these people will cause you to lose your soul , and never be reunited back.
**lost souls - Hollywood flex spas-
Check out their playbook

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Vulnerabilities in the data and personal security area are causing huge crimes against humanity, crimes against the government, and other countries as well. Trying to document these is almost impossible but before they take anymore prisoners of war or hurt anyone else. They have been warned, no one was to get hurt. At this point, Bleak.
Home wreckers and Club20 shout out to you.
Latest podcast of communications with the cyber terrorist/ terrorist network “Gay Mafia” . Communications are being completed through their use of stolen military technology and stolen equipment and the illegal use of telephone cable and cellular networks as well

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