The Disturbing 2015 Arrest of Breaion King Excessive Force and Systemic Racism | Cop cam

1 year ago

The Disturbing 2015 Arrest of Breaion King Excessive Force and Systemic Racism | Cop cam
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Welcome to our channel, where we bring you stories that matter. Today, we're going to talk about a shocking incident that took place in Austin, Texas, back in 2015. This incident has recently resurfaced, and it's essential that we talk about it.

Breaion King, a 26-year-old black female school teacher, was stopped for speeding while on her lunch break by white police officer Bryan Richter. The incident was captured on a dashcam, and the footage is disturbing.

Officer Richter can be seen dragging Ms. King out of her car and slamming her to the ground twice during a violent arrest. Ms. King can be heard screaming and pleading with the officer to stop. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

This incident highlights the use of excessive force by police officers and the systemic racism that exists in our society. It's crucial that we address these issues and work towards creating a fair and just society.

We urge our viewers to watch the video and share it with their friends and family. We also request you to subscribe to our channel for more stories like this.

In conclusion, incidents like this must not be ignored, and we must demand accountability from those in power. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in the next video

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