So you want a food forest? Bushes - My top 6

4 years ago

It seems that 8 months after making this video, the Youtube algorithm is suggesting it to a bunch of new people! Welcome to everyone new. For all the new viewers, I have created an "essentials" playlist here - if you enjoy this video, make sure to check the playlist out, as it will give you a good idea of what this kind of regenerative gardening looks like:

Specifically, I suggest starting with a few particular videos:

1) Who we are, what is permaculture, what it's all about:

2) This will change how you garden forever - which really talks about my 2 golden rules of gardening:

3) No land, no problem? This is one about planting TONS of trees, and is a soft-intro to Guerilla Gardening in a responsible way:

If you enjoy those, then feel free to dig deep into some of the deeper permaculture videos in there on pest control, pruning, water management with swales and ponds, etc.

Thanks for watching!


Many people coming to this channel are only now getting exposed to the wonderful world of regenerative permanent agriculture called permaculture. I thought what better time to start a new series... So you want a food forest?

Instead of starting with trees, I am going to jump to bushes - the hidden MVP layer of a food forest. Gardeners love herbaceous layer plants (lettuces, broccoli, cabbage, collards, etc). Orchardists love their trees (and for good reason). But what about those poor bushes who just sitting there out-producing trees and getting no recognition for it?

Here are my top 6 bushes for your new zone 4-9 food forest. (many of these can survive zone 3).


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Music credits:

Closer by Jay Someday |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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