The Hypocrite son (Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32)

1 year ago

The Hypocrite son (Two Sons Matthew 21:28-32)
You know what no one likes, no one likes a hypocrite. It is super frustrating to deal with someone who preaches one thing and then turns right around and does the exact opposite. They point the finger at you for your behavior but when it comes down to it, they do the exact same thing and in some cases are even worse. In the parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-32) Jesus tells the story of a father with two sons who are both asked to go do some chores. One son says that he isn’t going to do what the father wants but later changes his mind and goes and does what the father has asked of him. The second son tells the father that he will go and do what was asked but cuts out and never goes and does any of the work. At the end of the story Jesus simply asks the crowd, who did the father’s will? The crowd said the first son who originally said no but decided to obey the father and Jesus said that was the correct answer. Jesus was trying to make the point that the religious leaders of the time was hypocrites, they preached and knew the commands of God but never followed them. He said that the rebellious people who they looked down upon would make it to heaven before them because they have repented and done the will of the Father in Heaven.
We can point the finger at the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’s time all we want but in a lot of the modern church has the same hypocritical spirit alive and well within its walls. The Father commands us in His word to go, but we say we cannot go we are too busy. The Father commands us to love but hate and spite feels the hearts of many. The Father commands us to be unified as one body in the church but we feel more comfortable with our click and people who do not dress and act like us are not welcome. I can go on and on with examples of where the modern church has disobeyed the commands of God to put their religion over the commands from Heaven. We all need to take a deep look at our hearts and see if we are living our lives as a hypocritical son or daughter of God. Are we telling the Father yes but when it comes down to it, we are not doing anything that the Father has asked us to do? Maybe we are doing great in many areas of our lives but we a few areas where we simply ignore what the Father has told us to do. God wants obedience from all His children and if we are living outside of a completely obedient relationship with the Father then we need to repent and get our lives back on track.

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