Drone footage of the Ghost Town of Clinton, Mono County, California.

1 year ago

Clinton was the first and largest town in the Patterson Mining District. Located in Ferris Canyon, it had 30 to 40 structures and more were built each day with wood brought in by indians. Merchant John Sheehan was appointed Postmaster and his store served as the Post Office. Other buildings included Eben Trask's Livery Stable, Professor Hatfield's Tonsorial Parlor (barbershop), James Compston's Hall, Laraway's Butcher Shop, J. M. Campbell's Blacksmith Shop, P. C. Conway's house, the Borelin Bakery, the Summers & Ebi's Boarding House, Mrs. Smith's Boarding House, two saloons, a bootmaker, a Deputy U.S. Surveyor, two assay offices, T.B. Brown's house and other homes. Alex and Robert Folger, publishers of the Bridgeport Chronicle Union announced in July 11,1882, "Within a short time, the undersigned will commence the publication of the Mono Record at Clinton". The Bodie & Bridgeport Stage Line brought passengers in from Bodie on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, returning to Bodie on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In 1882 the Summers Consolidated Mining Company was organized, combining the Kentuck & Georgie Howell Mines. During a six-month period, the Kentuck produced over $2000 in silver bullion. Later in 1882, the Summers were sued by their former partners in a dispute over ownership rights, but the Summers were found to be entitled to four-fifths of the property. ln 1883, while the Kentuck was working 24-hour shifts, it produced $19,000 worth of ore monthly. On-going legal expenses forced Summers Consolidated to sell one-fifth of the company to Bodie attorneys Paul Bennett & Patrick Reddy. Success of the Kentuck brought miners in from Bodie & Virginia City, causing the Daily Bodie Free Press to announce, "lt is the coming camp". ln 1883, the Mono County Board of Supervisors appointed attorney Richard Watkins to serve as the Clinton Justice of the Peace. The Clinton School District was established the same year. On August 30, 1884, the Chronicle Union reported, "The Trusties of the Clinton School District have bought in Bodie, for $35, a one and a half-story building 24x24, for removal to Clinton for a schoolhouse". The building was also used as the voting precinct. As was common at the time, many of the Clinton work force were Chinese. ln 1884, the Summers brothers formed the Mineral Chief Mining Company with Bridgeport-based investors Judge R.M. Briggs, Zackary Tinkum, Amasa F. Bryant & James Patterson, a venture that failed. ln December 1885, the Mineral Chief Mining Company was sued by T. C. Sharpe, John Sheehan & Henry Williams of the Great Western Mine, for reasons unknown. The Discovery Lode claim & the Patterson Mine were included in the lawsuit. The Summers filed bankruptcy and their property was liquidated in 1885 at a Sheriff's Sale. Clinton Postmaster John Sheehan, a frequent visitor at such gatherings bought the Kentuck Mine.......music by...The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/vendaface/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

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