A Guadalupe Odyssey Part 3: Christ's Greatest Teachings & Holy Spirit of Truth

1 year ago

This video may be the most important video of the "A Guadalupe Odyssey"series. In this video, we will see how Our Lady of Guadalupe's tilma image relates to Christ's Greatest Teachings and to his sending us the Holy Spirit of Truth to teach us all hings, especially what Jesus taught us. Our Lady of Guadalupe gave me a "spirit name" that led on a continuing path to learn what the Greatest Teacher, Healer, and King taught. The video will show how the calendar song of Our Lady of Guadalupe relates to two of the most important teachings of Jesus Christ and also two of the most important parts of her Guadalupe tilma image. This will shed further light on why she is "a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet" that Saint John saw in his Bible's vision of the Apocalypse chapter 12 verse 1.

Here are links for parts 1 and 2 if you have not seen them:

A Guadalupe Odyssey Part 2 Stars: Bethlehem Sirius, Apocalypse 7 Churches Pleiades, 3 Kings Orion

A Guadalupe Odyssey part 1 - New Earth, Fatima, 3rd Secret, Hopi Prophecy, Apocalypse

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