Haman The source of evil

1 year ago

A Purim message:
ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששן ויקר (אסתר ח,טו)
The Jews had light and joy, and gladness and honor. (Ester 8, 15)
One of the darkest, scariest, saddest, and most disparaging times in Jewish history resulted in one of the greatest revelations of light, joy, gladness and honor. However, this Holiday is not a mere historical memory, but a yearly development visible in current events.
The darkness of the Purim story started with acceptance of the Persian Governments propaganda. King Achashverosh announced that HaShem’s kingdom with a Temple in Jerusalem, has expired. There was a great reset and from then on there would be one world order ruled by Achashvarosh. The Jews accepted their fate and joined in the celebration of global unity under tyrannical rule.
This celebration was the spiritual darkness that lead to severe decrees of total annihilation of the Jewish people. HaShem told us He would bring us back to Jerusalem in the exact right time. We chose to accept lies, abandon our tradition, and joyously embrace a way of life contrary to living with HaShem.
After much introspection and repentance, the Jewish people experienced an incredible convoluted hidden miracle, and the decrees of annihilation were fulfilled on their enemies who were all destroyed. Eventually the light of Purim illuminated the way to the building of the second Temple.
This past year has been the darkest of our generation. There has been much evil propaganda contrary to the Torah that has been accepted resulting in many severe decrees of destruction. We’ve had time for introspection and repentance, everyone according to their ability. Recently, there have been many convoluted hidden miracles developing.
May HaShem help us all to see the fruition of this year’s Purim miracle, and we should merit to see our salvation and redemption speedily in our days.
Happy Purim!!!
Rabbi Pinchas Levin

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