A sad fate awaited the elephant, abandoned by the herd, but fate had its own way...

1 year ago

Elephants are very social animals, rooting for each other, so if an out-of-the-box situation occurs when a herd rejects a baby, it's very serious. Ellie was only two weeks old when she was found alone in Bonamarza Game Reserve, Hluhluwa, South Africa. The elephant was taken to the veterinary hospital at Tula Tula Safari Park, where doctors discovered she had a severe form of umbilical hernia. This is almost always fatal in the wild, but with Ellie it was even worse and in fact the entire area around her navel had turned into a gaping wound in which infection was already rampant. Not surprisingly, the herd deemed the cub unviable and abandoned it. But people had a different opinion.

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