Someone entered my room while asleep.

1 year ago

Woken when Marshall Landlords dog wanted out, when I went to door he push it open. So the dog knew the person that left... They allow sprayed my room at this school that I was renting from with bug spray while I was gone also whom ever it was that had entered with key. Left a Gingerbread card from a old game at my back door inside my room at the exit door. Now I live back in Shreveport Louisiana and they are doing this type of stuff when I leave to go to do errands. The Landlord came off like it fell from the ceiling or as if I had left it there when I clean the room before moving in ... Been there 2 months and it just shows up. No !
I will not be their prostitute
they follow me and are harassing me at jobs ECT... I do not take drugs but have been Drugged many times since 2010. I have felt the poison run though my vains after 2 bits a fish plate that was called in and picked up by ex fiance. The Lord said they are trying to make me homeless and working the streets. Destitute , I'm on disability but they know every password and accounts.

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