[REPLAY] LIVE Wedding Officiant Business Training. Welcome!

1 year ago

Watch the video and enjoy the training.
The enrollment for the course has ended. HOWEVER, if you would like to know when the next enrollment begins, visit this page and enter your email to find out.
Visit https://www.growmyofficiantbusiness.com/training

Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/officiantsbusinessgroup/

Welcome! Thanks for joining our 1st live training. While Chad is speaking, you can feel free to comment. The moderator will be on Chad's account, answering questions and responding. We are here for you to learn and have an inspirational experience, so please be respectful of everyone in the training. Let's have a great time!

If Chad mentions a link, we will do our best to post it in the description and comments section.

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