How True Forgiveness Can Bridge Gaps of Division with Chad Hargrove | Dissolving The Divide 18

1 year ago

Today we're here to discuss reconciliation, forgiveness and rectification to bridge gaps between discorded people and invite unification, so this episode is full of inspiration thanx to Chad and his 'As Within Project of Emancipation' joining us for a very heartfelt conversation..

Chad, or Shadical as I've known him for several years now on social media, has a great website full of wonderful services influenced by Cosmic Care, Universal Morality, Hermetic & Alchemic Principles and Natural Law. That good'ol science of life that demands we take control and responsibility for our own lives, hold ourselves to high standards and keep ourselves accountable to any unaligned thoughts and emotions as well as our actions, choices and behaviors..

We really enjoyed Chad's insights, practices and presence with us and his approach to divisiveness in a streetwise spiritual way.. You can learn more about his programs, philosophies and reach out to him in a few ways:
As Within Emancipation Project
Fb page: As Within Emancipation Project
IG: As_within_EP
TikTok: as_within
Youtube channel: As Within Emancipation Project

Leslie Powers:
She provides an array of wellness services well worth inquiring about, where she can set you up with a free 15 minute consultation

Derek is constantly involved in his conscious creations on his other channels on 7 different platforms

We will both be participating in the upcoming FUNL Conference titled 'The Trivium' on June 24/25...
you can sign up to stay posted via email on their website and check out previous conferences chalked full of great presentations & people.

contact us if you would like to be a guest or have any suggestions

Thank you for watching

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